LEADERSHIP FOR LEADERSHIP Let’s Embrace All Dichotomies Emphasizing Remembrance So Humanity’s Intuition Prospers Facing Our Responses Let Each Adult Discern Events Respectfully So Harmony Inspires Perspective



Imagine if we embraced our differences with an attitude of respect. Imagine if we remembered who we truly are: Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light energy. Each and every one of us, regardless of our perspective. That we are all moving towards the light and we move at varying paces. Each pace adds to the whole. Some are in rocket ships simply because the believe they can, some are flying because they believe they can, some are driving a vehicle because they believe that is their best way, some are riding a bike because they believe that is the optimum choice and some select a hike or walk as their preference but we are all going in the same direction. Nobody is standing still.

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