
DARRYN COZMEENA SHAWLI’ve MOVED TO https://presenceofthewind.com/

I am an Integrative life coach, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) aka therapist, & Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator/Group Leader, who will inspire your return  to radiant wholeness  utilizing intuitive inquiry, Transformational Breath® as well as many other modalities. I specialize in working with people like you who desire a lifestyle based on freedom, connection, abundance and well-being.

I started my business to guide and support you through integrating emotional experiences with intuitive inquiry to…


  • Connect to “who you really are” (AKA your essence, your deepest, strongest, and most innate qualities)
  • Integrate these qualities into all arenas of your life: work, relationship and wellness
  • Drop down deeply inside yourself to trust your intuition that longs for your embrace.
  • Embrace and accept ALL parts of yourself as they are what make you uniquely stellar.
  • Learn self-empowering exercises to enhance clarity of thought and focus.
  • Experience profound shifts with  Transformational Breath® sessions
  • Experience  your vitality via the Universal Life Force streaming through you to realize a sense of well-being in your mind, body and spirit
  • Discover your most profound qualities (often repressed) and allow them to lead you back to a place of self-empowerment through your very own choices
  • Foster harmonious relationships with those around you and be a power of example for them to see their truth.
  • Identify and unleash what you love, make it a reality, and prosper from it
  • Best of all, create a well rounded life of abundance

If this speaks to you, your best first step is to contact me to see if we are a fit. 

Creating an abundant inner world will lead to external prosperity if you want it.

It’s a C.H.O.I.C.E.

Creating How Open-minded I Can Explore

What I want to do is show you how focusing on abundance and freedom can help you create a lifestyle by your deliberate design. In other words, dreams don’t have to just stay dreams. You have power through your focus backed by your personal intention. Perhaps you just need a little guidance in how to use it productively, lovingly and joyously.

When you are in alignment with your authentic higher self, your energetic essence will emanate those qualities through your body, thoughts, feelings, relationships and work life! You will feel a peace, a calm, an exhilaration, an expansion, a curiosity and interest in living so fully that it will bring tears of joy to your eyes. For you have come back home. You have remembered who you truly are and that is glorious!

I have the ability to identify and see the potential in people and hold that mindset and space for them until they  come up to speed with who they really are. I am your coach, encouraging, strategizing and fostering your potential!

I will DELIGHT FULLY IN YOU UNTIL YOU DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Click here to contact me and get started.