October 2016 Light Logic Tip #9 Quieting the Left Brain

Einstein said, “The intuition mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”


Each and every single one of us have been slaves to the dictation of the irrelevant chatter and noise of our left brain to varying degrees over our lifetime. Your left brain is meant to be tool to implement all that is gifted by the right brain.


A quick review:


The right brain is the conduit, processor, or channeler of all spatial subjectivity. It creates a funnel for our emotions, sensations, intuition, imagination, creativity, broad-based thinking, fascinations, curiosities, interests, passions, inspiration, hopes, images, dreams, aspiration, and limitless excitement. It holds all solutions in its purest potential, possibilities and probabilities. The list goes on ad infinitum.

The left brain is what implements the ideas so we can make it tangible and observe it, share it and experience in a way that all can enjoy. It has a coherent, exact, linear, logical, rational, intellectual, systematic, compartmentalized, judgment, critical thinking, time oriented, objective, analytical way of interpreting people, places and things.


We want to experience a cohesive coherence between the two spheres to support a level of harmonious well-being. So what happens?

Well, imagine for a moment if your left brain was on a public amplifying system broadcasting your thoughts loud and clear, far and wide. Let’s assume the broad cast was only on the topic of your thoughts towards yourself.

Would you be embarrassed? Would you make these statements to a friend? Loved one? Child? Do you feel happy, joyous and free when you hear them?


So what to do:

It’s called the P to the 9th degree

9 represents a sense of completion which is what this process will provide. It is a circle to be practiced over and over until it becomes programmed in your psyche.


#1   P.U.L.L.L.E.                                       FOLLOW your P.U.L.L.L.E.

       Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy.

It is processed through your right brain and it is easy to know because it feels good. It says “Light, and all of its De-Light Comes from the Right”.


# 2. P.A.S.S. it to the Left Brain for Implementation. This is crucial because it allows something that is vaporous, intangible and unobservable by others to begin to have life in a new way. This gift of yours is meant to be shared and that takes some inspired physical action.


                                  Physical Action Supports Shifts


As you put your earthly expression out into the world (in whatever form it takes), you are creating a platform in which others might experience the exhilaration and sensations that rendered you your gift but in their own way. You are a power of example towards a shift in perception.



#3  P.U.S.H. You might experience some P.U.S.H. back from your Left Brain. This is optional although in the beginning it will feel anything but optional. My experience, and this does not mean it will be your experience, is that the further I stretch myself outside my comfort zone, the greater the PUSH back I experience.


                                   Pressure Uncovers Significant Happenings.


Notice if your Left Brain comes in. Sometimes it will not come out of hiding and    sometimes it will roar like a lion. You will know if it has surfaced because the feeling of jubilance you had one second ago will have evaporated and you will be hearing things that are dismissive, discouraging and the onslaught. If your Left Brain is used to being the dominant force, you will be pleasantly surprised and uplifted when you begin to embrace the magic of the right brain. Your left brain undoubtedly knows something big is on the horizon.




This PULLLE /PUSH dynamic can create a kind of friction to varying intensities. Often, it feels like an internal struggle with a range of accompanying emotions. This is simply an indication that you have activated a mechanism by which you will give birth to the recollection and remembrance of the courageous YOU. The “YOU” that acts on inspiration and intuition. You are releasing baggage. You are shedding false beliefs, indoctrination, conditioning and dogmatic ways and reclaiming your power of limitlessness. It will subside gradually after you integrate the next 2 steps so put on your “Courageous Cap”:




#4  P.A.U.S.E.


                        Practiced Attention Unveils Singular Expression


Here is an example of how I implement: I was sitting in an outdoor café smiling from the inside out because I had been invited to speak at two different community colleges that week. I felt uplifted and hopeful about the prospective adventure. Inside of a few moments, my left brain came in and started with an inquisition. I noticed 3 birds hop on the pavement right before my eyes frolicking about without a care in the world.


One of my personal escape tactics to release the hold of my left brain and gain traction back to right brain is to look for birds because birds can fly and they remind me of the freedom that exists within. They prance around and seem so lighthearted. They ease my load and take my attention away from the “problem”.


It seemed like the birds said to me telepathically, “Be right here right now. Be in this moment in TIME!!!” TIME is an acronym for This Instant Matters Eternally and as that popped into my head, my eyes glanced up at the outdoor clock across the street. The big hand was moving so swiftly, it could be seen with the naked eye. I chuckled. The birds and the Universe joined forces to demonstrate the paradox between what can happen with undying focus. I resumed, with increased willingness, a more relaxed mindset and to Be Right Here Right Now!


#5 & #6    P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E.D. P.O.W.E.R.



Patience Really Accentuates Clear Timing In Creative Enterprises Delivering Potential Openings With Exponential Results


This is simple to do. The key is to remember to do it!!!!


For example: This new endeavor could be to be more loving towards yourself.


Think of a child for whom you feel great love. Hold that experience close to your heart. Know that you have it in you. Visualize yourself offering that child love or even think of yourself as that child when the left brain comes it. Eventually, it will quiet down…maybe after a good temper tantrum but it will.


PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! and if you are really doing it for yourself, patience will not enter into the equation. Nevertheless, be PATIENT! PATIENT! PATIENT!


Practicing the activation of your personal power will lend itself to feeling more confident, self- assured, and a sense of freedom. Find something wherein you FEEL confident, worthy, deserving or a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction and use that emotion as a carry over into your new endeavor.


The world is declaring its emancipation and it is up to each and every one of to participate to the best of our ability. It is our own privilege to add to the collective evolution of our consciousness. Anything is possible and it is never too late!!

The potential of your internal power will reveal itself exponentially. Allow it to work its magic.




#7,8,9  P.E.R.P.E.T.U.A.T.E. A. P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L. P.R.O.C.E.S.S.



Perseverance Elicits Remembrance Profoundly Emphasizing The Universal Anchors Towards Expansion


Prolific Experiences Are Co-creating Ease For Unilateral Love.


Placing Realizations Over Comparative Externals Supports Soulfulness



We are human. We are in a physical form that is evolving. We are coming to the

Conscious realization through our remembrance that our limits are simply self-imposed.

Place great emphasis on what you enjoy for that will anchor you on a pathway of enjoyable expansion. The prolific experience of your limitlessness will eventually wash over you more and more. The synchronicities will meet, greet and bless you with droplets of speckled stardust. You will come to realize that you are the star dust. You do sparkle. You do have a sheen and a light to you!!!!!


We are limitless. Our boundaries are evaporating but it is a process that evolves when met with ease. This is an emancipation of our authenticity singularly and collectively. One builds on the next and gathers form and momentum for all to enjoy. We are a collective expression of all of our singular presence.

It may start out intellectual but it will drop down into your emotional subsystem and that is where the true integration is profoundly experienced. Don’t give up before the miracle!!



* Remember to look back from where you came and notice how you persevered and changed.


** Select someone you admire and talk to them about their internal world and the friction created and how they moved through it.


***Read about someone you want to emulate on the internet and see that they too were met undoubtedly with some left brain push back.





2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved


September 2016 Light Logic Tip #8 Cultivating your Atmosphere aka “AT-MOST-SPHERE”

Click here to register for upcoming Balance of Abundance Workshop on events page


I was looking at a picture of the earth on the internet and saw a diagram of the various spheres: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and Thermosphere. I don’t know what they all correlate to but it came to me that there are atmospheres within atmospheres within atmospheres expanding exponentially in both directions: internally and externally depending on our focus.


Think about it. The world consists of circle within circles within circles AND circles expanding into outer circles expanding into outer circles.


You skins cells communicate with your hair cells communicate with other parts of your body to support a harmonious exchange of information for your body’s well-being.


All of our cells make up an entity we call our body. All of our bodies together make up our human population (excluding other life forms like plants and animals for this example). As people, we move our bodies from place to place. We communicate in varying manners and intensities. Our exchanges might look chaotic but it is all in a very synchronic way that contributes to the formation of a grand evolutionary picture. Our potential is to perpetuate support for a well-balanced global community. You can relate to this by picturing a time when you watched ants working together to build an ant hole. They are all scurrying around fast and furiously working towards a common purpose.



Our earth’s layers and atmospheres has different properties and consistencies to it. So why wouldn’t we have varying layers and atmospheres.


We are a microcosm of all there is and it is in our nature to desire the experience of feeling our highest potential. Whether we allow that or not is a CHOICE.                       










How and where we allocate our SPHERE OF  TIME, ENERGY & PRESENCE is the overarching theme of how we cultivate our AT MOST SPHERE.



Reflect on


-Is where you spend your time a life affirming experience for you and the circumstances involved?


-Are the people you dedicate time to generally meaningful and rejuvenating experiences with some component of mutual love infused?


-Does the amount of time you spend with particular people, places and things add to your and their quality of life?



Reflect on


-What are your hopes, dreams aspirations and desires?


-Are you willing to step outside your comfort zone? If so, to what degree? Will you take a baby step and explore how you feel?


-Are you willing to put your energy behind someone else for their hopes, dreams, desires and aspirations? If so, in what ways might you be a voice of encouragement? Professionally or personally?


-Are you willing to expand your repertoire of emotions that are acceptable? If so, can you imagine how this will shift your perception of your world?




Thoughts + Emotions formulate Belief Patterns which cultivate Perceptions which lead to Attitudes which prompt Behavioral Patterns which reinforce the Initial Thought.

What thoughts have we been thinking over our lifetime?


-What emotions have we backed those thoughts up with?


-What belief patterns have been perpetuated?


-What perception has been fortified as a result of our beliefs?


-What attitude have we kept alive based on our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and perceptions?


-What behavioral actions have we taken or lack thereof?


-How has that served us and what benefit can we derive from witnessing our Presence towards our SELF and others?


THESE ARE THE “HOW TO” Steps to Optimize your AT MOST SPHERE

Creating balance is what we are craving and doing it through:


Mental Clarity and Acuity: Clear your mind daily with Mindfulness Practices

  1. CENTERING EXERCISE: Take a break and PAUSE for 5 minutes before meeting with a client/customer/engaging in a project. Ground your experience:

           Say out loud or to yourself:


           “I am here at (location) right now. I see (name one object) in my    surroundings  AND  I sense (name a sensation) in my body AND I feel (name an emotion or describe the room’s energy even if you are not sure)

  1. CONSCIOUS BREATHING exercises as an instrument to clear away thought clutter. Breathe into body parts if there is strain. Give your breath a color.
  2. BODY SCAN Take a moment. Stand up. Feet hips width apart. Start from your feet and work your way up to your head scanning and noticing the sensations in all of your body part. Stretch when desired.
  3. IMAGINATION: Close your eyes and imagine a place of ease for 2 minutes multiple times a day. See, smell and sense the surroundings of this happy place. Know that it is real and you can create the experience any time.


Physical: Maintain well-being

Flexibility, agility, strength through daily exercise

Adequate Rest (sleep)

Relaxation (time to do nothing)

Hydration (drink water)

Nourishment (fresh locally grown foods when possible)

Fun- filled activities: dance, sing, art, swim, yoga, sports etc


Emotional Awareness: Notice the emotions you experience in varying situations

Emotions are energy moving through you. It helps to process them and honor them.


-Express your emotions with someone who is capable of simply listening.


-Play HIGH/LOW which is sharing about the High of your day and the Low of your day. Brainstorm together what benefit came out of both experiences.


-Write about your emotional experiences if you enjoy writing.


-Record your dreams for insight….they might have signals of the pathway you are carving.


-Simply notice where you feel your emotions in your physical body. Acknowledge and send that body part love infused Light!


-Let emotions be. There is nothing to fix. You are already perfection embodied…you just have more to experience before completion



Spiritual enhancement:

Be in nature. Gaze with awe the blooming of a flower or the setting of the sunset.


-Focus on Appreciation


-Share selflessly so you feel your purposeful contribution


-Feel the subtleties of different environments


-Pray if you Pray


-Meditate if you Meditate



2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

August 2016 Light Logic Tip #7 Meditation Treasure Chest

Photography by Kirk Murdoch


Take a break from your day and decompress!! Connect with who you truly are!


This meditation is designed to support you in your discovery of your inner treasures.  As your sensations of De-Lightful ease grow, you begin to feel and know that you are eternally connected. You come to sense, feel and know a single strand of translucent light funneling into you the overarching embrace of LOVE.  You can see yourself as a human vessel of Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy. You are a magical and mystical flow of speckled stardust. You are viewing yourself as a luminous light being and your personal color constellations emanate from your human vessel.






2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved















July 2016 Light Logic Tip#6 Subconscious Reprogramming Matching Up Affirmations To Experience the Shift

July 2016 Light Logic Tip # 6 Subconscious Reprogramming: Matching Up Affirmations To Experience the Shift.


This month’s Light Logic tip is all about reprogramming our subconscious mind so we actually believe that “Abundance is our Birthright.” When we “viscerally experience” our pure unconditionality in the form of uplifting beliefs, we are empowered exponentially. First, we summon our desires through our fresh, supportive beliefs. Then, we embody, own and claim abundance as our birthright from a vantage point that is irrefutable, undeniable and indisputable.


Our subconscious mind is a fascinating phenomenon. Think of it like a GO PRO filming every interaction, impression, experience, reaction, sensation, image, emotional exchange, scent, sound and so on. It is recording absolutely everything as we go through life. Our conditioning will determine how we label it i.e.…good, bad or indifferent.


Our subconscious mind records the entire spectrum of our experiences encompassing everything from exhilarating, expansive, liberating, passionate and freeing to painful, frustrating, sad, agonizing, raging, depressing and everything in between and beyond.


Now, the subconscious is a great thing because it has recorded many “how to do” things. In other words, we would not want to have to learn how to tie our shoe each time we needed to complete that task, would we.


We do tend to succumb to automatic pilot and allow our subconscious mind to drag us around by our nose so we want to get really clear on





So this month’s tip is all about Affirmations and matching them up in such a way that prompts a shift in how we experience ourselves. When we experience ourselves in an uplifting manner then everything else falls into place all that much more readily


Writing and saying affirmations are all fine and good but if we are saying something that we do not yet believe, then it is actually fostering a focus on the absence of our desires rather than the excitement of the possibility of our desires. It is creating a wider kind of crevice between where we are and where we want to be.

We want to get into a place of feeling what it would be like if our desire was happening right here right now.


It is important to note that our subconscious mind does not recognize a differential in time. It is all happening right here right now.


Here’s the Tip


  • Write out 20 affirmations every night before going to sleep.


  •  Start from your current emotional set point and build from there. Say only what is true and slightly beyond to start. 


  • Inch your way to your edge and gradually improve on your emotional stature


  • At the bottom of the page, write a couple of key words that will remind you of the events of that day.


  • If that day you had a super exhilarating experience and you are in a really great place emotionally, mark the top of the page with a yellow (sunlight) highlighter. If it was a particularly troublesome day, mark it with a light blue highlighter ( blue day).


  • After doing this for a month, notice your progress. You will begin to see how your are shifting if ever so slightly.


  •  This will offer recall, remembrance of your entire spectrum of emotions and how they all pass. Emotions are simply ENERGY MOVING! You are simply witnessing your shift as time goes on and you are raising your emotional baseline. What used to be a really “high” day is now your “medium” day.


  • Teach another person

For the days that are particularly blue, start your self-soothing and ease your way into it.


For example:


I like the notion that I am ok

I know intellectually that emotions always change.

I am looking forward to………….

I like the idea that……….

I am showing up for my life to the best of my ability.

I can remember a time when……………

I am practicing my desire with focus more and more

I am getting more and more excited about my newfound perceptions

I can envision myself doing….

I like that I am growing leaps and bounds and that is setting the stage for new opportunities to come my way.



Remember that


Emotions are the language of energy and are the key to absolutely everything.


They are the key to not only BEING successful but FEELING successful.


Soften your definition of SUCCESSFUL to one of a more soulful perspective


Use my Light Logic Word Wealth  acronym for SUCCESSFUL













What that means to me is that we are a rip roaring success if we are OUR SELVES!!


Allowing your innate extraordinary, quirkiness to shine forth!!


If we have the courage to share from our core




If we allow ourselves to live from that authentic, natural, organic place then our Light shines. It is our soulfulness that comes through and people, places and things are drawn to us.


You all know what I am talking about. That time when you just feel on top of the world. It can be for no reason at all but it usually is triggered through some sort of connection.


A time when you did or said something to someone and you felt so appreciative of your OWN ability to conjure up that emotion.


In other words, you FELT good about yourself independent of the other person’s reaction, acknowledgement or lack of acknowledgement.

2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

June 2016 Light Logic Tip #5 Meditation: Listen, This is your Inner De-Light/Soulful Self Speaking



Accessing the world of abundance, freedom and liberation is our birthright.  The only thing that creates a cavity between where we stand and access to that  vast, boundless sea of infinite potential is what we refer to so kindly as our EMOTIONS derived from a point of thought focus.

EMOTIONS  are the vehicle that drive us and halt us.  It is that simple. Expanding the repertoire of feelings that are acceptable will support us on our journey. Laser sharp focus enhances that feat!

This meditation is designed to fortify your remembrance of :

-Who you truly are,

-The energetic constellations that we identify as qualities

-That you have access to any quality you shall desire

-To beckon them consistently and with dedicated purpose

– To place yourself in a state of allowing.

L.E.T.     G.O.


As we loosen, we are in the state of creating space towards new ideations that reflects our adorations.

As we loosen, there is a void, a depth, an exploration to be had.
Deep within that void exists the glimmer of  pure unconditional luminous loving light  energy shining ever so brightly. The light is always on!

As we loosen, a state of spaciousness surfaces and expands exponentially.

As we loosen, the exchange of life’s breath, inhaling and exhaling is metaphorically and literally in an effortless flow.

As we loosen, there is a component of self-soothing that supports our journey to a new version of ourselves.

As we loosen, our Inner De-Light appears more vibrantly!

As we loosen more and more, we remember a previous time but it is only a vague and distant memory. It was a different lifetime with different emotions, thoughts and projections.

As we loosen, we see so clearly and we activate the process to LET GO again and again and again because we understand the magnificence to be had.

You ask: How did we let go? How did we loosen?

Spaciousness allows for pure potential to come into our experience through all sorts of opportunities. When we embrace these opportunities, we transform our potential into possibilities and then probabilities.

You ask: Why did we let go? Why did we loosen?
Because we wanted to. It was and is our desire. It is that simple.

2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

May 2016 Light Logic Tip # 4 Word Wealth


                                                                Light Logic Tip # 4



Word Wealth  is my quirky way to draw down from an esoteric energetic light realm and create an earthly expression of that which I am. I bundled word combinations that seemingly tickle our toes and lift our spirits. Our minds would have us believe it is nothing but your body and spirit know differently and they let us know all the time. It is a playful way to shift our attention on to something that can make us feel good and point us in the direction of our authentic, limitless, potential!! Good vibes, feeling in awe and love of life along with a sense of eternal connection is really what we want for ourselves and others isn’t it!!!


There is more and more awareness in the world today about vibration. People are talking about raising their vibrations! True! Everything is vibration yet how do we relate to it in a way that supports us in the Deliberate Design of our personal De-Light? How do we understand it in a way that enhances our daily lifestyle? Here is a clarification.


First, we know that sound is something that everyone can relate to as vibration so it serves well as an example. People that are deaf are able to perceive vibration through sound. If a person were to place their hand on an amplifier at a concert or stand next to the speaker through which a band’s music is projected, they may experience the sensation of vibration as a function of the medium of sound.


Our body’s, or more specifically, our vocal cords (in this example) are our instrument and our words are one way in which we make music. Think of words as little gift boxes infused with abundance and luminous loving light energy. Some words are uplifting, life affirming and supportive and others are to the contrary. We are communicating and we are expressing ourselves with or without our awareness.


As we build new associations with inspiring words, we are shifting our perspective and thereby redefining ourselves. We are sending new messages not only to our own innate experience but also extending it out to others to enjoy. We are activating a CHOICE in how we want to expand ourselves and what we want to put out in the world.


C.H.O.I.C.E. stands for Creating How Open-minded I Can Explore


The word CHOICE is a relatively affirming word in and of itself. Nevertheless, consider the next time you have a choice to make, thinking of it in terms of the above acronym an see how it alters your viewpoint of the situation at hand. It may just open you up to potentialities that you might not have supposed were possible.


This fresh lens draws to us new opportunities that we might not have formerly perceived because we were in a different emotional zone.


Every day you are setting an Intention whether it be passive my living your life by default or actively by asserting your intention into your choice. As you awaken and begin to engage in your day, picture yourself 6 months, 1 year, 10 years or even 20 years in the future and reflect about today’s choice.

                           Does it support your overall quest, your desire, your 

                                  De-Liberate De-Sign of De-Light?

                                 Are you Liberating Signs of Light?

Can you see 3 steps ahead? Can you imagine the complex order of the Universe and how it unfolds and all you have to do is make conscious contact with your Inner being, your Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy aka  “Follow the PULLLE” your heart’s desire?



In the traditional sense, the definition of doubt is accompanied with feeling of anxiety and uncertainty. What if you change your perception of it to this. Imagine sitting on a fence which represents that you are on a precipice of change. Doubt has the unique quality of shining the light on a belief system that we are ready to release. You have one leg on one side of the fence moving into a new expansive version of yourself and the other leg on the side from which you came aka the “known”.  The mere fact that you are on the fence is a declaration of your willingness to embrace the servant of change and reinvent yourself. Applaud yourself for your bravery and willingness.
Your association with D.O.U.B.T. might be better thought of as


Declaring Our Unquestioning Boundless Talents


Notice how you feel when you say this acronym to yourself when thinking about the situation at hand. You may find a shift in emotions, sensations and even thought patterns.


There are many ways to change our associations. Take a look at some of the words below and see which resonate more lightheartedly.



1.  This is Hard  vs.  This is challenging
2.  I want Security    vs.  I want  repeated successes
3. I have so many decisions to make vs. I have a variety of options that support my desired belief
4. Judgment  vs.  I favor, enjoy or prefer           
5. Budget   vs.   Spending Curriculum
6. Bank Account  vs. Spending Sources
7. Income vs. Inspired Inflow
8. Payments vs. Organic Outflow
9. Obligations vs. Integrating my Interests into my lifestyle
10. I need  vs. I want
11. I should vs.  I desire
12. I have to (obligatory) vs.  I aim to create
13. Illness vs.  Body Disharmony, Energetic bi-pass, Wish for Well-being, Call for Care
14. Responsibility  vs. Ability to respond
15. Debt vs. Contribution towards freedom
16. Discipline vs. Practice
17. Control vs. Design
18. Struggle  vs. Precipice of Change, Exploration
19. Dilemma, Problem  vs. Choices, Discoveries
20. Retirement  vs.  Leisure Life
21. I am so over Scheduled  vs.  I am paving my day
22. Menopause   vs. CREATIVE Catalyst, Passion Prompt
23. Death  vs.  Time of Ascension, Transition
24. She is Wrong  vs. Misguided
25. Rain  vs. Liquid Light
26. Money vs,  Abundance or Energetic Exchange
27. I’m Sorry (habitual) vs.  I’m glad we were able to facilitate this.
28. I don’t know( habitual) vs.  I am exploring the unknown
29. Old  vs. Experienced or Wise
30. I can’t wait to vs.  I am excited to, looking forward to
31. Terminal vs.  Life Challenging
32. Egoless vs. Increased Self Love

33. Economize vs. “Prosperitize”

34. Risk    vs.     Venture, Prospect, Opportunity

35. Risky    vs.   Adventurous
Words have a vibrational quality to them. Studies have shown that sounds of the same frequency are drawn together. Pick one or two more life affirming words and test it out for 90 days and see what happens. It takes 90 days to create new pathways. See what new associations you conjure up.


2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

April 2016 Light Logic Tip # 3 MIRACLE MAP


M.I.R.A.C.L.E. M.A.P. C.R.E.A.T.E.S. R.O.O.M. F.O.R. M.A.G.I.C.

Monumental Intersections Reveal All Clarity, Letting Emotions        

Magnify Authentic Purpose!!!!!

Catalysts, Rendering Expansion, Are Tender Expressive Sensibilities

Responding Over Obvious Manmade Fortified Objections…….

Resumes Manifesting All Goodness In Creation



Before creating your Miracle Map, you might want to sit down and reflect on your life how many intersections aka opportunities, rendezvous, events, chance happenings occurred that were nudging you in a particular direction.


How many times did you follow that course?

How many times did you ignore it?

How many times was it unrecognizable to you?

How many times did it feel out of reach?

What will you do at the next memorable intersection that you receive guidance?


Creating a Miracle Map

I call it a Miracle Map because Magic happens along the way. It is made in a circular fashion because as you change so does the destination. Some points along the way will be in plain sight, easy to implement and recognize. Some will seem so farfetched but as long as they exist in your heart, they remain as possibilities. Your imagination will lead the way. As you bear witness to the surprises along the way, your shift in perception will support your transition. Your emotions will act as the energetic catalyst to take inspired actions. Everything you desire will be presented before you. Then, you have the choice to follow the Magic or not. At least you know where you stand with the Universe!!!!IT IS A CO-CREATION





Get a big piece of cardboard stock or you can do it  virtually on the computer if you prefer.

Consider doing it in real raw materials though as your hand to task sends a strong manifestation message to the Universe that this is your intent in physical form. 



Cut it into a big circle or draw a big circle on it. Create bands of circle one larger than the other.

Make them wide enough ( 2 inches) so  that you can write inspired activities on them or place symbols or stickers that signify an action you want to ignite on any given day, week, month or year



At the center of the circle aka Universe, draw small circle and place a childhood picture of yourself there.

Be sure to place a pleasing picture of yourself because you are going to be looking at this a lot! J I used a picture when I was a little kid so as not to admonish myself if I did not keep on point!


Each band will represent a period of time from Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually and Lifetime. Time is a way to allow you to prioritize what is important to you.


    1. You can do one for your LIFE by delineating each slice as a day, week, month, quarter, year, decade and life
    2. You can do one for the YEAR by delineating each sub-circle in smaller increments of time
    3. You could even narrow it down to various areas of your life in which you would like to focus like Relationship, Body Harmony although I am demonstrating for an overall Life Path for General Ease

One disclaimer is that the Universe responds to your consistent practice of desire with intent and focus. Time is a factor in your mind but it is a co-creative experience with the Universe. The more of your light-hearted fun fulfilling focus you apply, the more the Universe will respond. Time is irrelevant in the whole scheme of things. Time is just meant to assist you in clarifying your priorities. I know I know…you did not want to hear that.



                                                      HOW TO USE YOUR MIRACLE MAP


Start out by writing an outline of how you optimally envision your lifestyle.

If you already have a vision board that will suffice because you have a sense of how you want to live. Write down the experiences in which you would like to engage.


Find pictures, symbols, draw or write the items of you own Deliberate Design in the sections that are inspired action steps towards your DeLight lifestyle.

For the DAILY start put with items that you can easily choose to implement so that you might experience the feeling of success immediately. That will fuel you and excite you for a path of further possibilities. 



Visit the Miracle Map for 5 minutes in the morning as a reminder to yourself of the path you are carving out.

Have the task you are going to accomplish for the day pointing straight up like a sundial pointing to the sun. You will turn the daily circle so that you can see what you are actually doing. You will have weekly, monthly and annual tasks also. Remain focused on the daily task, observe the weekly one and be open to opportunities that will allow the Monthly one unfold effortlessly.    




DESIRE: Lifestyle of greater ease, more time and space for reflection a i.e. less harried to support an abundant mindset!


On a DAILY basis, your Miracle Map might have a symbol to carve out alone time because you know your creative juices flow during those segments of time so you want to:


    1. Be completely still and left alone to do nothing for 90 min
    2. Walk in the woods for 60 min
    3. Practice singing for 30 min
    4. If you work long hours, create a symbol that you will leave at 5pm .
    5. Take a 1 hour lunch instead of 30 minutes
    6. You are going to delegate one small household task to a family member
    7. Find one way and tell yourself that you deserve to replenish yourself for this day
    8. Write creatively
    9. Play with art
    10. Exercise, take a yoga class, go to beach
    11. Visualize for 10 min what your optimal lifestyle would look like

On a WEEKLY basis, you will set time aside to:


Ask questions and talk to people that have created a lifestyle of ease

  1. Explore weekend workshops that promote states of well-being
  2. Consider a spa weekend
  3. Take a meditation class
  4. Go to a lecture that feeds your soul

On a MONTHLY basis, you would like to make a few general changes by creating space to


  1.   Reduce superfluous obligations. All the extra “have to,” “ought to” and “shoulds” For example: Are you currently spending time in an organization that you feel has run its course? It’s ok to move on!!

2.        Practice saying YES to opportunities with like minded people and organizations that fuel your interests.


3.        Practice saying NO to work projects that are time consuming and not in support of your end goal. This assumes you have a clear and focused intention.


4.        Align yourself with projects that parallel and leverage your purpose and excite you:


              a. If you work in finance and want more exposure, consider putting down on your  list to contribute an article to a Journal or provide valuable educational content to referral partners such as attorney, accountants, doctors etc


              b. If you work as a massage therapist, align with chiropractic offices and offer to partner by offering 1 night per month a presentation and demonstration of the mind body well-being connection.



On a QUARTERLY basis Financial, Time and Energetic Review


  1. Block of time to address long range investment, saving and reallocation of resources. It is helpful to visit this once a month or quarterly so you can see the path you have traveled and tweek your choices. It supports conscious choices.


  1. Reflecting on how you are feeling in your shifts and what might support even more fluidity. You might find yourself with the resources to shift into a more even paced work schedule


2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

March 2016 Light Logic Tip #2 Free Flowing or Playing it Safe Integrating Money & Spirituality




Invite yourself to explore your ideas of fun and your ingenuity in creating fun experiences.  This tip, as all of my tips, came from one of my life circumstances. It was decades ago and I elected to leave Wall Street along with its six figure income and return to school to pursue a career as a psycho-spiritual therapist.


Going from six figures to no figures was not fun in my eyes and my life course was to be forever altered. This was an experience I participated in for years. As I look back, I know it was a MIRACLE.


Miracles are monumental and/or memorable intersections that set us off in a new direction/trajectory. Sometimes we have revelations during the process and, sometimes, only in hindsight, we see the passions that were calling us to be expressed in an earthly tangible fashion.











I learned to have fun on a shoe string spending curriculum. Also, I learned to accept the gracious offerings of others which was incredibly challenging for me. Here is the exercise I invite you consider.

Also, this is not about scarcity or gluttony. It is not about deprivation or over indulgence. It is about learning, growing, exploration and self-discovery of your Inner Light and how it relates to your External World.


TIP #2

  1. Pick a segment of time that you are willing to commit to: A day, a week or a month will be sufficient but you choose.
  2.  Reflect on whether you lean towards FREE FLOWING with your dollars on FUN EXPERIENCES or tend to PLAY IT SAFE!!! YOU DECIDE.
  3.  If you are FREE FLOWING, consider spending 10% of what you normally spend on fun filled activities. In other words, if you typically spend $100 per night out, plan a night out and spend only $10. Find ways to have fun with the absence of the exchange of dollars. This does not mean if someone wants to treat you to something that you cannot participate. It just means that for your prescribed period of time, YOU will not outlay more than 10% of your typical outlay.
  4. If you PLAY IT SAFE, consider spending 100% more of what you would normally spend on a fun filled activity. If you typically designate $100 per month for fun, give yourself $200 just for this one experiment.

Some things you might experience:

-How to have fun in a new and different way.

-You might meet new people outside of your current circle just by the exposure to different types of activities.

-How to receive a treat from a friend when you cannot reciprocate with items that are generated by the expenditure of dollars

-Develop clarity on what activities you truly cherish.

-Experience a state of deserving, abundance and worthiness

-Understanding when I have created a limitation or boundary on abundance.


2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

Feb 2016 Light Logic Tip #1 Giving and Receiving: Integration of Money & Spirituality








Notice how many times in a day you have an opportunity to give or receive anything of value, worth, beauty, and sense of well-being to yourself or others through thoughts, feelings, words, actions, commodity or service. Identify these things and ask yourself how you come to define that particular item, exchange as valuable to you. What makes it valuable to you?



TANGIBLE EXAMPLE: Product, service, Communication through words and actions.

Allow yourself to experience this with products, people, time and resources. Wonder about your level of appreciation for each item. That will give you a clue about your perception of its value. It will illuminate if you are thinking in terms of “need” or “desire” or “experiencing abundance”



Product: Starbucks coffee

Service: Massage or paying your electric bill

Communication: Offering or receiving a complement from someone

Action: Taking on the chore of a family member or allowing them to take on one of your chores.



INTANGIBLE EXAMPLE: Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs, Ideas, Passions, Inspiration


Thought: It can be intangible by sending good feeling thoughts to someone. Sending a vision of well-being to someone you love that might be experiencing a body imbalance is giving the energy of abundance and love.


It can be receiving well wishes by a vision that pops into your head that makes you feel good.

It could be turning the radio on and a song is being broadcasted that is meaningful and you well up in emotion.

It could be an inspiring idea that pops into your head that is the key component to solve a riddle for a project with which you are involved.



This tip can be perceived from two perspectives:


The Logical perspective is that it will slow you down and cause you to pause and reflect on the value of the item. Consider this questions:

How much do I appreciate……

How much do I feel a sense of need for….

How much of a desire do I experience for this…….

Is the desire internally or externally driven?


The Light Perspective is that it will illuminate areas that challenge you and areas of ease.

Consider these questions:

Do you feel more comfortable in giving than receiving?

Do you feel more inclined to receive than give?

Can you give yourself a new definition of receiving if that is a challenge?


For example: When a baby or toddler wants to give you a spoon full of their food, we accept it graciously to instill the value of their offering. In other words, it’s not about the food. It’s about encouraging them through our acceptance of the food that they are giving something that has value. They integrate that into their being and develop the belief that they are worthy.


As you partake in this exercise, your choices will become more pronounced and it will allow you to begin to be more selective and create balance in your life.


Once you know something you cannot UNKNOW it!!


Balance is an ingredient in the abundance factor and it is something we can implement immediately.


Do this exercise and discover what is valuable to you. Next, you will begin to shift your resources: your time, energy and finances towards products, services and experiences that are life affirming for YOU! Nobody can tell you what resonates for you personally. Nobody can tell you what makes you feel the most elated, joyful and ALIVE. That is a feeling that is yours to be had!! Your choices will help to delineate and illuminate those experiences and you can FOLLOW YOUR PULLLE. Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy.


2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

Jan 2016 Spirituality and Money are NOT mutually exclusive

To register for the “Me, Myself and Money” Seminar and see other upcoming events Click here


I wish you all a very Happy Abundant, Prosperous 2016! May you explore more and more states of  harmony, well-being and spread your joy! The world wants your personalized, specialized creative constellations of light to be expressed! You are all significant! So, go out there and share!


Everyone in modern society has a relationship with money whether they are aware of it or not.


When we are in a state of harmony and balance, this relationship will serve us well. When it serves us well, it will, in turn, serve the community and beyond exponentially!!!


It is worthwhile to understand that spirituality and money are NOT mutually exclusive.


-There are people who live along spiritual lines that have money and those that do not have money.

-There are people who have no understanding of the spiritual principles and have a lot of money and those that do not have money.


It is ok to like the feel of money, to bathe in the prospect of what money can do and the enjoyment of the receiving and spending of it. The most exhilarating thing about money is the taking in of it and the fun of spending it because you are capturing its essence which is the energy of abundance. When you are in the flow of money, the coming and the going, the movement, it offers a sense of aliveness, excitement and like things are moving and happening.


My definition of Spirituality is the growing remembrance and comprehension that you and everyone else in existence, with no exclusion, are Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy. As we integrate that “knowingness” into our personal creative earthly expression in each thought we think, belief we hold, word we speak, action we conduct, idea we support, we are living more in unison with our core nature. As we allow judgment and critical thinking to slip away, we view the world through the lens of love.










Typically, people’s beliefs and subsequent relationship with money are formed prior to the age of 6 by your family and societal conditioning.  You have received so many messages which ultimately, shaped your thoughts, words action and beliefs. Your impressions may change if you so desire.


Reflect on these questions:

  1. Do you derive a greater sense of security knowing you have money in the bank and you prefer that to taking a vacation? Does it make you anxious to spend?
  2. If you bare witness to another person excelling in a field that is your chosen profession and you are not experiencing the same level of prosperity, do you use that as a catalyst to inspire you to forge forward or does it deflate you?
  3. Do you believe that once you hit a target financial goal that you will be able to relax but as it approaches, you raise the goal post? Does it feel challenging to feel satiated?
  4. Do you feel as though accepting significant remuneration in exchange for your services characterize you as less spiritual? Does money feel dirty to you?
  5. Do you judge people that are wealthy or enjoy expensive merchandise?
  6. Does money elude you? Are you doing what you love but the money is not flowing towards you? Would you rather have nothing to do with money? It’s boring!
  7. Do you question your own personal power to be self-sustaining?
  8. Does retail therapy create a sense of fulfillment? Is it consistent? Is there a law of diminishing returns? What happens when you hit that threshold?
  9. Do sudden financial impulses create a momentary sense of excitement, charge, aliveness and invigoration only to be followed by a depression?
  10. Do you feel out of breath trying to keep up with all of the financial demands that life has put upon you?


The good news is that anything you choose to change is doable.

It just takes PRACTICE, DESIRE AND FOCUS. When you create an INTENTION, couple it with WILLINGNESS and

Apply  PRACTICING  your DESIRE with FOCUS, you can achieve a balanced harmonious relationship with money.

SPIRITUAL DEFINITION OF MONEY: Money is an energetic tool.

First and foremost, let’s take a look as what money symbolizes in society today:


Freedom of Time and Choice: Do what we want when we want to and trusting the resources will present themselves


Energy of Love:  Money can be an expression of the offering, receiving or withholding of the energy of Love. People put their money behind the things they desire, the people they love, the causes and ideations that are meaningful to them. It is a creative expression of their heart, their core their inner world


Personal Value and Self Worth- People’s relationship’s with money is just one aspect of expression of their relationship with themselves. How harmonious a relationship, or there lack of, does an individual have with their inner world? Do you feel worthy and accepting of gifts, opportunities, money, love, friendship etc? Do you take the posture of saying “YES” to opportunities that will lead you to states of prosperity for the money you desire to flow towards you? In the last question, I am making an assumption that money is something that is desired. That is not the case for all people. It does not mean that people with no money do not have a high level of self esteem or spirituality.


Be lie v ability is a primary component. The belief that there is “enough” in the world will allow the stream to flow towards you. This belief engages you as a creative collaborator with the universe. If you believe that you cannot have a particular experience without money then you are creating an obstacle and putting a boulder on your trail. You are creating a blockage and cutting off the flow of it coming to you. Imagine doing as much as you possibly can with what you have and the associated feelings will put you in a position of receptivity.


Receptive state: The ability to declare a sense of worthiness and energetic entitlement that possibilities are boundless and it is here for the taking. Money wants to flow to you if you have positive beliefs about it.


Accepting that we are deserving of it is paramount. When this shift occurs, it will enable you to perceive the possibility of doing less and experiencing more. Society operates from a scarcity mindset by promoting the opposite idea of a long arduous trail and that you have to work very hard (do more and get less) but that is a false belief.


Not to get too esoteric but money in and of itself is void of meaning. It is our relationship to it that gives it meaning.   In our society today, money is only one thread of an overall experience of abundance. Yet abundance can be created without money. Abundance represents the experience of our desired lifestyle.


Experience is the only thing that we take with us and become integrated into every fiber of our being.


Have you ever heard of a person at the end of their life talk about wanting more material things? Of course not! Mostly, they reflect on their experiential relational memories and how they are grateful or regretful of having had or not had some experience for themselves or with others.


The reason is that when people are in their final stages of physical life and are transitioning back into Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy, they are very sensitive and in touch with their soulfulness and the remembrance of the purpose of life on earth:








So, money is, at its pinnacle, experienced as a flow of giving and receiving.

That’s why some of the billionaire tycoons have created the Giving Pledge. They innately understand the circulation of money is what produces more and more abundance. They understand that they are part of the whole and the whole is part of them. Money and spirituality can merge together when you are in a balance with what it is that you aim to create naturally and authentically while on earth. When you are in your groove of manifesting your earthly expression of the light that exists within you, empires are built. The empire is one of human interconnectiveness and we are able to bare witness to how our action, words, thoughts, emotions and beliefs effect another and another and another.



So,  get into  B.A.L.A.N.C.E. by:

Breaking Absolute Laws And Nurturing Creative Expression


Believing All Lessons Are Culling Experiences



2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved