Author Archives: darrynsilver

August 2017 Light Logic Tip # 19 I WANT MORE



Integrating Willingness And Noticing Truth Mirrors Optimal Realities Explored







I sit in stillness, in quiet contemplation of my journey. The theme has been I WANT MORE.


But, “What…. my mind responds, Do you want more of?”


Abundance? It’s all around you.


Simply open your heart and witness the unfolding of ALL THERE IS.


There is always MORE MORE MORE!


Mirroring Optimal Realities Explored


More fullness, more abundance, more connection more HEART, MORE of what we agreed to by just BEING.


There is no separation between the ‘I” and the “We” but we insist on this difference. We compare, measure, judge ourselves and others but to what avail? Our chattering wanting minds take over and scream the “BUTS? HOWS? & WHYS?” of our earthly domain. To what end? To keep us in our place?




I know it; therefore, it spreads and WE, together know it.

I feel it; therefore, it is contagious and WE, together emote it.

I encapsulate it; therefore, it surrounds us and WE, together channel it.

I grow into more of it; therefore, MORE becomes embodied in, through and around US all!

I long for it; therefore, WE long for it.

I cannot live without it; therefore WE cannot truly LIVE without it.

It is me! It is US and I am it and we are it.






There is a force flowing in, through and around all of us asking us to wake up and embrace the authenticity of our eternal nature. To bring forth into this vessel that which we all are yet so many have yet to experience.














We are the essence of Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy.






Again, there is no separation between the ‘I” and the “We” but we insist on this difference. We compare, measure, judge ourselves and others but to what avail? Our chattering wanting minds take over and scream the “BUTS? HOWS? & WHYS?” of our earthly domain. To what end? To keep us in our place?


How might believing in limitation serve us?



Reflect, be still as the question invites more inquiry. The invitation is to go down deep within where the existence of all grace originates.






I meditate. I ask for the experience of abundance. The true abundance in the fullness of form. Within one hour the universe delivers a rainbow of epic proportions. Hues of lavender, green yellow, and pinkish red is splashed across the sky for my viewing pleasure.

How could I ever doubt the power, the magnificent and the raw glory of what exists in grace?

What have you witnessed in this moment that takes your breath away?

That “breathes” you so magnificently and effortlessly?









Is there MORE to & of life, you ask? Perhaps life is pleasing, content AND there is MORE to be had.


Perhaps part of the purpose of experiencing our relentless WANTING mind is a condition by which we discover MORE of what lies beneath the surface: the calm, quiet, relaxed spacious, still silence of peace within. We come to realize that the outer world we have created through cause and effect is an out picturing of our beliefs. The strong distinction makes it that much more visible to us.


Then we reflect….yet again….the pendulum swings:


Does any of this “thinking stuff” make sense? Is it meant to make sense? Is it the clearing of the “thinking stuff” or the “what we think makes sense stuff” that allows the abundance to be felt, seen and experienced to epic proportions?


Are we in a perpetual loop of I WANT MORE “NESS”?









A Momentary Experience

Reaching for Father Sky while my feet are planted firming on Mother Earth. I am merely a vessel, a temple, if you will to, encapsulate the divine presence of energies flowing through me to bring the true abundance to light.





There was a time when I thought that meant money.

After all, money can buy “things” better healthcare, privilege, opportunity, comfort etc. Yet, the endless supply is so much more than the paper dollars we create and believe is the answer to our prayers. There are times, more than I care to admit that I fall into a dense mindset where I view through a foggy lens. I can fall into victim consciousness for a nanosecond and then I realize, “Wait a minute, I am creating this experience.”



Nevertheless, all the wanting, the striving, the efforting serves a purpose on our collective journeys.

As easy as things are prepared to unfold, I/We cling to the notion that “Things are hard.”


How does that serve me/us?


If the desire is to FEEL the boundless, limitless love of the universe and the appreciation that accompanies Divine Love, then strong dissention into the trenches can certainly make the expansion that much more monumentally exorbitant when we finally allow it in.






I/We aim to FEEL to grand proportions which demands a wide open heart.


Ohhh that takes profound deepening levels of trust.  But in what? What am I (are we) trusting?




Have we always done it alone AND do we believe that it is us that has “made something happen?”


It is my/our efforts alone?


Isn’t it my /our own self sufficiency that has gotten me/us to where I am/we are?

Is that something to be proud of? YES AND NO AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN.

Perhaps it is time to soften that part to allow space for something even larger that is beckoning to move in, through and around all of us.


Yes, there are many on this path. Each entrenched in their offerings. We are all traveling towards the light and our individual pathways contribute to the trajectory of the whole. No act is too small as it lays the foundation, the pathway for more to unfold in that very direction.


As challenging as it might be, as frustrating as it might seem, it is through our relentless pursuit of the truth of who we all are right now and to FEEL FULLY, to tune into, to get in touch with, to dance with OUR partner the Universe, to align our resonance so that we might experience one another in the most passionate of ways.





An experience:

I long for that deep resonance as the wind whispers in my ear. You are here now and it is all before you. You are always here now and it is always before you. Ready to unfold into the next hue of expanded light. What color might you be today? How vast might you spread your expression? How willing are you to be true to yourself. The energy travels along the line of least resistance. It will fill you up based on the space created. How spacious might I become? This is an ongoing truth of yourself. Are you willing to resonate with, to witness the orchestration that Father Sky and Mother Earth are swooning you to experience in the Universal Understanding of seen and unseen sources?





Take a dollar bill to a safe outdoor place with only dirt and rocks around it.


Make is ceremonial and be still and take notice of the nature around you.


Light the dollar on fire.


Watch how the spirit of air transforms the paper into smoke into nothingness.


Contemplate where it has gone and how it has been transformed. What is that mechanism that force, not scientifically but existentially?


Notice what you feel. If nothing,


Take a $5 dollar bill and repeat. How do you feel? What does you mind tell you? If nothing,


Take a $20 dollar bill and repeat. What is your perspective? How do you relate to the paper? If nothing,


Take a $50 dollar bill and repeat. Are you feeling something? Is it fear? Wonder about it? If nothing, continue until you feel and excavate what is under the surface


2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

July 2017 Light Logic Tip #18 Am I Living Right Here Right Now or Am I Re-creating a Past Moment? P.A.U.S.E.


Am I Living Right Here Right Now or Am I Re-creating A Past Moment?


                                                                  ( Step 4 in Light Logic Life Transformational Program)



An exchange of words ensues. A situation presents itself which challenges our sensibilities. It feels uncomfortable or disturbing or something just does not sit “right” within us. It conjures up emotions that are unsettling.



E.M.O.T.I.O.N.S: Experiences Move Our Touchstones Integrating Omnipotent Notable Senses



So, what just happened? Do we pause and reflect? Do we simply rerun the tape in our head of “he said she said” (just using the pronouns for distinction)? How does that feel rerunning the tape? Is there a feeling of resolution, of obsession, of being “right”?

Do we inquire as to where those emotions that surfaced live in our bodies? Do we allow ourselves to physically feel the associated sensations or do we dismiss the exchange (and ourselves in the process)?









Do we W.O.N.D.E.R.,

“What was the earliest time in my life that I felt this sensation/emotion?” What was the “dynamic” that was originally created AND unfolded NOW as a result of how we absorbed the situation back in its inception? We absorbed it because it was an energy entering our space. It permeated the cells of our being and lodged themselves to be revealed and cleared at a later point in time. Why? Because we perceived that it was too dangerous to experience the fullness of the emotion/feeling in our early years. It was self-preservation aligned with our survival instincts.











In the current N.O.W., we deflected the emotions/feelings (somewhat) by reacting (unconscious). In yesteryear, we soaked it up and took it in in whatever way our system/psyche found to be the most adaptable and palatable. So when I say “dynamic”, I am referring to the essence or the underlying energy of the exchange, not a literal circumstantial (situational) match.


Can we see what we are creating? Are we living in the past and allowing it to be brought into the light of day over and over and over until we are conscious of it and have the wherewithal to shift? Are we aiming to come to the realization that we are the designer of our journey and we can be deliberate if we embrace all of our conscious know-how in the moment?









Do we ask ourselves with interest and CURIOSITY, “What is prompting this happening? “ 


If so, that is a great start because it is reflecting that there is some level of curiosity into understanding our presenting life circumstances. So, the key is to catch ourselves in the exchange and notice the wound, the hurt, the facet of ourselves that is beckoning to be loved, embraced, acknowledged, recognized and honored.




It can show up in an infinite number of ways. Most challenges fall under one of the broad categories of


Abundance (in part financial), or

Well-being (in part health) and







When the challenge bubbles up to the surface and is able to be discerned clearly as a beneficial experience (and grow to understand it was by our own design), it makes it that much more viable to enhance our awareness and make more deliberate selections. Then, we tweak the nuances of mastering our path.


It is an epiphany in process!!


Nothing happens by accident. We are powerful beyond measure and most of us have not come close to experiencing the fullness of our power (including me). That is part of our journey: to viscerally FEEL the power of love and all of its potential to flow through us. Love is not just soft, sweet and undulating, it’s powerful!



The current  “happening” or “circumstance” or exchange” was designed for us and by us to bring forth into our  awareness the constellation of light that is the configuration of that which we already are:

Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy!

We don’t necessarily always believe that we are PULLLE nor do we know what PULLE feels like so we create these situations to bring us closer to our authentic nature.













For example:

Here is a true example of an exchange that was unraveled while in session. Below find the dialogue and the intuitive inquiry. Although this is another couple, this was an easy one to untangle for several reasons. The couple had an interest and willingness in greater levels of awareness (not blaming) and it is very similar to a dialogue my husband and I could easily have (and have had) J

Just for context, this is a heterosexual married couple. It is morning when the actual exchange occurred.


Man: “Did you throw out the memorial service announcement?” (While brushing his teeth seemingly harried to get out the door)


The woman replies, “No”


Man: Do you know where it is?


Woman: Yes, it is right where you left it under your phone (with a tone of slight annoyance because this is a common exchange)

The man and woman decide to PAUSE, sit down for breakfast as the man remains perturbed and upset.


Man: Why do you have to speak to me like that?


Woman: Like what? (Unaware of how impactful her tone was affecting her husband)


Unraveling in the session:


The discoveries in the session were as follows:


Presence of Mind for the Man at the time of the exchange:


What was going on in the man’s internal experience?


The man had a responsibility with an individual outside of his family unit and that person was not responding to his texts or emails. It had been weighing on him. He had not been feeling acknowledged, recognized and respected. He felt a sense of responsibility for this other individual but powerless in the engagement of that person to communicate.


Presence of Mind for the Woman at the time of the exchange:


Where was the woman’s behavior prompted along her life’s timeline?


The woman perpetuated a pattern of early conditioning that there was no room for error. Everything must be in its place. She mastered a sense of completion through the vehicle of hypervigilance as a survival mechanism.


When asking the man what he felt in his body, he responded, “A sense of panic”. As he stayed with the emotions, sensations of heart palpitations were noticed. As we ventured down and into his body a deep sense of aloneness surfaced. His feelings of disconnection “within himself” manifested in the breakdown of communication between the “outside the family” individual and himself.


The woman was asked to sink down and into her body. The “annoyance” was an energetic flashback which was synthesized into her body.

Remaining in her head, like so many people do, was a protective measure to avoid the ancient energetic assault (not literal assault but just as impactful or even more).


We worked with some energetic meditations and, as she released into her heart, she came to the “experiential” understanding that living in her brain acted as a survival mechanism.


Her body shuttered, releasing some current NOW anxiety which was associated with the hypervigilance tactic used for survival many years ago.


Although subtle now, her hypervigilance and keen alertness kept her safe by desensitizing herself to her environment.


As she grew older, the anxiety dissipated to a dull annoyance allowing her to perceive it as something outside of herself.


She learned through techniques of efficiency, effectiveness and prompt responses to situations to maintain the illusion of feeling safe and secure.


Now that she no longer needs that coping mechanism, the annoyance was allowed to bubble up to the surface so that she could “perceive” her old energies of insecurity.


She was able to clear it by feeling it and owning that her partner’s forgetfulness was designed by both of them for her to pristinely see their mutual wounds and clear them.




She returned to a level of innocence and sensitivity.

She no longer had to repeat the “learned” behaviors that were modeled to her. The anesthetization began to thaw through the experience of “feeling” a new association with circumstance. There were new neuropathways being carved for both of them.
















P.A.U.S.E. Practiced Attention Unveils Singular Expression


This is a great practice to ground yourself especially before a big presentation, even, communication or if you are simply in an anticipatory state of mind.


  1. Stand still with your hips should width apart.
  2. Feel your feel on the ground and rock your pelvis slightly forward and back until you find the sweet spot of balance.
  3. Imagine that your feet are the roots of a tree digging down deep into the earth. You are safe and secure.
  4. Allow your awareness to move slowly up through your ankles, calves, knees, thighs, pelvis, hips, abdomen, solar plexus, back, heart center, upper chest, throat, jaw line, ears, nose, eyes, forehead and come out through the crown of your head.
  5. Notice any and all sensations as your scan your body. If you “imagine” a block or feel a sensation, be curious and allow yourself to investigate. Go “into” the block and experience it. Breathe into it and give your breath a color. You are moving energy!! J


2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

June 2017 Light Logic Tip #17 Legacy Living: What’s Your Imprint?


JUNE 2017 Legacy Living is what the New Professional Encourages

What’s your Imprint?


My father believes that anything that is “Jewish” reigns supreme: It’s all good! It all has validity! It all makes sense! One of the things my father cherishes about his religion is that it teaches one to question, question and question over and over and over.

Well, my father hit the jackpot with me. I was teased incessantly for being the “what if” child because I consistently pondered and wondered and questioned everything. Nothing, I thought, is as it seems. There are layers and layers to uncover and unfold into the mix.  I continue to do this!


I am truly a curious student of life and I do not align with any religious doctrine.



I aim my focus on the underlying principles (LOVE)  that were

inspired by Infinite Intelligence/Inner Intuitive/Consciousness ( you choose what you want to call the unknown Presence) and remove the human filtering as best as my current (in the moment) lens allows.

We all have our own personally designed lens of reality and, as long as we are in a physical human vessel, we will continue to explore the juxtaposition of the formidable with the ethereal (Myself included). The key is to be more deliberate.

The intention I have is to FEEL into the “silver lining”, the benefit in every situation, and the discovery in my exploratory expedition.  In true reality, every relationship is a facet of myself reflected back to me for acknowledgement, recognition & a return to Wholeness. The relationship’s dynamic offers me the opportunity to view the exchange through the lens of another person. I do not have to agree. I am able to have my own perceptions and preferences. An open posturing allows space for a greater flow of Universal Understanding to be experienced.

Experience is a big part of why we are here!

In “my seeking to understand rather than to be understood” exists a broad range of freedoms!

So last year, I took a  6 week course on “Success” with my 88 year young father. The course was taught by Rabbi Shmaya Galperin. He exemplifies a very kind, welcoming and gentle mindset in his delivery of the material. It is sponsored by Chabad Jewish Center of Holmdel and the same course is taught all over the world at the same time.  Click here if you are interested in some of their ongoing courses:


         It was fun to share an experience with my father in a way I would not normally have been inclined. I chose this experience to access another viewpoint and FEEL a sense of interconnectedness with people that perceive differently from myself.

Also, I married a man raised from a different religious background. As a young man, he diverted from his conventional religious upbringing and embraced a very dogmatic view for several years before our initial rendezvous. Again, I had a different perception and preference. Nevertheless, one thing we were both able to see, feel and do was come to the understanding that, at the basis of our ideology, was the activation of LOVE.


When we read a book of a religious context together,

I simply exchanged the word of the stated deity for the word “LOVE” and the essential goodness of the material was able to soothe my mind so my heart might shine.

I had no need to defend, intellectualize, rationalize or criticize. There was a blending with the activation of Universal Understanding.


I have found that there are many Beacons of Brilliance and Points of Light that share this Universal Understanding. It is just the delivery system that is different and which one resonates for you. The common denominator is the Presence of Love. In the Presence of Love, there is no judgment, criticism, doubt, shame, hatred etc. It is the absence of “right and wrong”.

When we experience some level of condemnation, no matter how slight, it is an indication of where our current expression stands in relation to the Presence of Love aka our Heart Space.

We are IN our HEADS and OUT of our HEARTS.

Observe children. When young enough (prior to conditioning), they do not care about being right, they choose to be happy. Are we still doing that?

It’s like Bobby McFerin’s song: Don’t worry be happy



It other words, what makes YOU feel like: “It’s all good! It all has validity! It all makes sense for YOU: intellectually, emotionally, physically and ethereally!

If what you are thinking in your mind or even saying out loud about another person’s viewpoint (regardless of their view….even if it seems horrific to you) is critical, judgmental or supporting a position of right or wrong…take another look. Not only would you NOT want someone to say, think or believe that about you but what you are thinking about that other person has nothing to do with them and everything to do with YOU! It is an extension of your own subconscious wounds asking to be held, loved, embraced and included?


Claiming that your own thoughts, feelings and experiences

have nothing to do with anyone else can be a super challenging journey to embrace. It is a relinquishing of the victim consciousness.

Exploring this without turning judgmental on yourself is exactly the point of it!!

Can you love all facets of yourself?

Are you willing to give loving tenderhearted kindness to even the shadowy sides yourself?

When looking and embracing at the undesirable shadows square in the eye, they dissolve miraculously.

Are you willing to be vulnerable?

Are you willing to let it happen?

Are you willing to create freedom for yourself thereby giving permission to others to be themselves?

Are you willing to FEEL the POWER OF LOVE  that flows through you like grace?

Now, the next step is how do you LIVE it?

How do you create your Living Legacy every day even in your professional life?

Regardless of your profession, mindfulness offers you the opportunity to




Identify with the Emotion not the Circumstance of your client, friend, colleague, family member


  1. If the environment allows, close your eyes, take a breath and sink down into the sensations of your body. Establish your Presence! It will create a safe space.
  2. Make an observatory notation to yourself around the precipitating event that brought this person to you and shift your focus to the emotion that you believe they are experiencing.
  3. Make no assumptions on how they feel-different people have different emotional reactions to different situations.
  4. Ask open ended questions about to gain insight respectfully for a point of reference and what prompted them to meet with you at this particular time. There are no coincidences. The fact that you are meeting on that specific day and time is meaningful. You have yet to uncover its significance.
  5. Go beyond the intellectualized external circumstance. Be curious about this intersection of time/space because this is acting as a catalyst and they have a willingness to embrace change which means engagement and action.
  6. Get comfortable with them emoting. Act as a validator and empathizer not sympathizer of their experience. E-MOTIONS are simply Energy In Motion or Energy Moving. If they don’t want to share, respect that and indicate that you are there as a guide. Some people take longer to disclose personal information even around concrete issues like legal, financial, and medical challenges.
  7. Now, you are ready to imagine yourself in the EMOTION they are experiencing even to a lesser intensity. Then identify how that emotion served you in your life to see the benefits.
  8. Allow your comments to come from a place of growth so as to raise your client etc up.

2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

May 2017 Light Logic Tip #16 Conscious Health and Wealth




Ever since I was a young adolescent, I believed that every physical manifestation was a symptom of and underlying beckoning asking to be noticed, attended to and acknowledged. This was first introduced to me in the form of health and healing although it applies to everything.


For example: I was born with intense allergic reaction to spring foliage (hay fever)which caused significant disruption in my ability to be outside in the spring time. When everyone was outside playing, I was sneezing profusely, swollen eyes, fatigued and had an itching throat. I had an air conditioned dorm room in college because of this health challenge. This started in the womb similar to what my mother experienced while she was pregnant. Metaphorically, the allergies were a physical symbol of a “sensitivity to my environment” especially during times of newness, transition, beginnings, times of growth.


This was a message far beyond the simple sneezing and discomfort. It was a request from my soul to acknowledge and recognize how sensitive I was to all things around me which included the thoughts, opinions and beliefs of family, society, & friends verses what I knew to be my soul’s illumination of intelligence: MY HEART’S WISDOM. It was metaphorically exasperated during times of new pursuits (spring representing birth).


In 2012, I began speaking openly about metaphysical principles with a kind of self-assurance. I no longer needed the validation of any source outside of myself. I felt confident in my intuitive connection and the source that was fueling me. It was a knowing that I allowed to surface. It came from the small still voice within me and the miracle happened: The spring of 2011 was the last time I ever experienced the depilating allergies that kept me inside during beautiful spring days that I had endured all of my life. Was this a coincidence? I think not. I had tried various traditional and holistic remedies from the time I was a child. Nothing ever solved this challenge like dropping down into feeling my sensitivity, seeing it as an asset and resource by which I could provide valuable information to others to help their own self-service of healing.


So, when my husband developed a variety of body disharmonies over the years, I knew something was asking to emerge. I knew it was significant because it kept reoccurring in different forms and his ability to work was compromised. It took some time for him to allow the idea that his physical challenges were more than the physical. Fortunately, he was open to being honest with himself and willing to learn what his soul had to say. It was time to introduce a holistic approach of the mind, body and spirit.

We KNOW that we are a mind, body and a spirit.


MIND: My perspective is that the MIND is made up of our brain and our heart. Our brain and heart are more than physical organs. All parts of us exist on multidimensional plains.

The BRAIN can resonate on a lower frequency which is akin to busyness, chatter, monkey mind, stress response, flight or fight reactions. This causes the secretion of stress hormones because we are indicating to our nervous system that we are in danger and need protection. This is a lower vibration and very much instrumental for survival but we do not want to perpetuate this state as it compromises our natural equilibrium.


The brain can also function as a servant to the heart by being clear, open and spacious. If it takes direction for implementation of the heart’s desire, there is a peace and a calm that ensues. This higher brain frequency that science calls Alpha, Theta, Delta and beyond allows us to feel our interconnectedness with all beings. There is a feeling of bliss and a kind of visionary knowingness with which to align.



HEART: On a physical level, the heart is the muscle that circulates the blood to all part of our body. The blood carries the nutrients including oxygen from our breath to replenish, rejuvenate and revitalize our muscles, vessels and offer cell regeneration to lift us into more expansive states of well-being. However, the heart is much more than simply an organ. We all know this intuitively but how much attention to we give to it daily.

How many songs are written about our heart connection, love, compassion, empathy and kindness?

Where does the source of our inner joy burst forth?

How much time do we devote to connect to this feelingful state that soothes and comforts us back into totality?

When our heart is open, we are in a receptive state and there is a circulation of love, self-esteem and energy that feels uplifting, life affirming and supportive for the self and others. We are in our wholeness and oneness with our (and everyone’s) Divine Presence.


Certainly, it is a practice to get out of our head and into our heart! That is HEALING!!!


Isn’t it interesting that the Right Brain governs the left side of our bodies?

Where is our heart physically in our bodies? The left side.


We access true wisdom through our heart space. Our heart channels its energetic messages which is then translated and interpreted by our right brain in a way our body can experience. It is through the senses of intuition, creativity, passion, ideas, inspiration, curiosities, emotions, sensations, and knowingness etc.


I call this “LIGHT LOGIC”. Accessing the pure unconditional luminous loving light energy through the wisdom of our heart, processed by our Light Right brain, and creating a link ie implementation through some semblance of Logical “know how” of our Logic Left brain.


Intersection of Brain and Heart:


If you think of your heart and brain as separate circles, and, to the degree they overlap, is the Earthly Expression of your Higher Mind/Soulful Self. The more they overlap, the more you are taking guidance from the wholeness of your heart and the brain is acting as a faithful servant. This is where life becomes easier, effortless and a sense that all is well in the world is your experience regardless of the external circumstances. As you allow your Higher Mind/Soulful Self expand into you, it is drawing from the Collective Mind/Consciousness because your personal Higher Mind/Soulful Self is a particle of the Collective Mind/Consciousness. The Collective Mind/Consciousness is seeking your Highest Good and speaks through your Soulful Self  which is activated through your heart energy and processed through your Light Right brain.

  • I use “Higher Mind/Soulful Self” to offer a variety of substitute terminology for  people  who have strong early conditioning and so  they might create new associations that resonate.

BODY: Talk to your body. Ask it daily how it is doing? What it would like to experience in this moment? Remember that everything you place in your body has a consciousness to it and you are exchanging information. If you take a medication, know that it has a life of its own and you are holding hands with that medication. Is it serving you? Is it a band aid? Can you learn from its effect? Explore its impact in your life and state of well-being. Leave judgment on the shelf. Be curious to the level of heightened awareness of how this has and is serving you?


Being quiet and scanning your body daily will help assist is what your body is calling forth for you to examine. If there is physical discomfort, go into it. Embrace it. Be curious about it instead of attempting to push it away which is like ignoring a crying toddler. Mother the body part that is asking for soothing. There is a message in this for you and it will likely help another person on your life’s journey.


Practical tips: Consider organic foods prepared fresh, herbal remedies, aroma therapy, massage, body work, natural body cleanses, acupressure, acupuncture, hemalucent treatments, breath work, yoga, being in nature, creative pursuits: cooking, art, music, dance, singing, writing, poetry, exercise, nature walks, meditation, mindfulness practices





SPIRIT: This is your life force. Just like the wind, you cannot always see it but you know where I has been and that it is still here. Honor it and develop a daily practice to ignite its mysterious magical magnificence in your life. You deserve it. Know that that air is spirit, the earth is spirit, the water is spirit, the fire is spirt and every living thing which encompasses animate and inanimate objects are all of spirit. Everything is consciousness.


Your conscious health and wealth is expressed relative to what you perceive as value and worth.




Do you rush through your day?

Notice how often you hold your breath?

What kind of situations prompt a holding of your breath?

How much time do you spend listening to your heart each day?

Place your hand on your heart, close your eyes and count the beats. Is your breath in coherence with your heart beat?

Think of one thing you are willing to do right here right now to get into your heart space? This can be “feeling” the beauty of nature all around you. Being in awe of how simple it is to ignite.

How much time do you spend noticing how loud or quiet your brain is?

Picture each thought as a cloud in the great blue sky passing by. Each cloud has a word on it floating away.

Are you taking dictation from your brain or is your heart leading more of the time?

Can you notice how much of an overlap between your heart and your brain is leading to a grander embrace and fulfilling relationship with your Soul Self or Higher Mind? Practice towards changing the proportions.

Where does your heart ask you to place your time, energy, presence and resources? Is that congruent or incongruent with where your attention is right now? Just notice for now.

Be a leader by being willing to follow your heart’s direction into your Soul Self/Higher Mind and see what is created.


2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

April 2017 Light Logic Tip #15 W.I.N.N.E.R.S. A.S.S.E.R.T.


April 2017 LIGHT LOGIC TIP #  15    W.I.N.N.E.R.S. A.S.S.E.R.T. Assertiveness

             Wondrous (*or Women’s) Intuition Naturally Navigates Expanding Radiance Successfully And Soulfulness Supports Every Rejuvenating Thought

*Women’s refers to the feminine principle or energies that exist within all. The Yin to balance the Yang

If you knew that YOU ARE PURE MAGIC, assertiveness would be a piece of cake.


What is assertiveness anyway? There are all kinds of definitions. You can probably find all kinds of online courses but I believe it is something that springs from within when we are comfortable with who we really are. Assertiveness comes from a place of authenticity and ease because we are comfortable in our own skin. It is neither aggressive nor passive. It is balanced and cordial. It has an elegance and a grace. It has an appreciation for others and where they are on their journey. Assertiveness knows exactly what to say, when to say it, how to say it and even when to remain silent. It is humble but bold as it knows that it is deserving to take up space in the world. It feels appreciation for the energy it projects as it knows it is a valuable contributor. It honors and absorbs fully the voice of others. Assertiveness has an energy of its own that allows the love that is our birthright to flow through us and be shared with integrity, dignity, and respect.

Much can be discovered by observing ourselves and how we think and feel in situations. Those experiences, whether they are in the quiet recesses of our imagination or externally tangibly driven is the beckoning our inner intuitive to assert her/himself as a gift to the world.

Imagination is the bridge to our true reality where we feel complete, whole and unified. It is a space that we can travel to instantaneously. And, the good news is that there is a world beyond our imagination and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that. It is infinite, vast, expansive and eternal. When we enter into that space of the unknown, we embrace the knowingness that WE ARE PURE MAGIC.

You are a living breathing MIRACLE.

Did you know that the chances of the sperm and egg rendezvousing to create YOU in a physical body are 400 quadrillion to 1 if I may quote Gerard Powell of Rythmia Life Enhancement Center in beautiful Costa Rica

Those are pretty long odds to form a miracle so you are starting out in a really great position of success just by being here.

Of course, my light hearted acronym for P.U.R.E. M.A.G.I.C. is

Potentials Unveiled Rather Effortlessly Manifest All Goodness In Creation.

So what does all of this mean? Well, that’s what we are doing here. We are aiming to create or manifest all goodness in creation and we each have the potential to do just that.

The challenge is to have the COURAGE to look under the veil.

All it takes is the willingness to be open and honest with ourselves. When we look at what we don’t want to look at, a miraculous thing happens. That thing we did not want to acknowledge, that thing we were denying, that thing we were terrified of, that thing we were resisting evaporates, dissipates, dissolves, and becomes none existent.

We moved to a different place. We are able to be in our essential heart space which holds its awareness on the LIGHT and then we project that out into the world externally.

So what are you going to pay attention to? It is a powerful CHOICE that is ours and ours alone to make.

How do you want to assert yourself? What topics do you want to spend time on conversing?

For me, assertiveness seemed easy until I entered into arena of the unknown. To assert myself became a terrifying exploration for me to let go of control of how things are meant to unfold, who I am in the grand scheme of things and how I want to show up in the world. Instead of feeling like “boundless choices from infinite potentialities unveiling themselves”, it felt more like “lots of decisions to make.” Can you feel the difference in the energy in the two perspectives?

The former is an opening to grand possibilities and the latter feels more forced, pushed and hard.

Learning how to assert myself in new and untethered ground offers “Treasures Beyond Measure” as well as discoveries and comprehension of my soul’s intent.

So, if you find yourself in a new situation, a new place whereby you do not know yourself fully, here are some pathways. You try them on for size and see which fits for you.

Light Logic Tip #15 for Authentic Assertion

  1. Breath work will offer many benefits. Take 88 breaths in and out of your mouth before any challenging situation or even just to settle yourself down. Accentuation on the inhale and simply allow the exhale to fall out like a waterfall. ( I will be writing on this in a subsequent blog and doing workshops on this as it has been my carrier to elevated emotions)

2.    Practice various expressions in front of the mirror making eye contact with yourself, gesturing and smiling to experience how you FEEL.

-Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with me.

-I always want you to feel that you can come to me and tell me what is on your mind.

-I hear you ( People like to know they are heard)

-Would you be open to brainstorming with me?

– I have a couple of ideas I would like to share with you and see what your thoughts are.

-I made a mistake and I would like some guidance on the best way to correct it.

-I really consider your input valuable so thank you for bringing this to my attention.


3.  If you are at a loss, imitate someone you admire to have grace, poise and sensitivity. It will eventually morph into your own signature.

-Notice the vocabulary you use and choose your words to be life affirming and up-lifting. Energy begets similar energy. What your project, the Universe reflects! 

-Move your body actively prior to the communication to loosen any stale energy collecting.

-Think about how you are growing and feel good about your courage.


4.   Remember that if your intention is well meaning, your expression will be fine.


2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

March 2017 Light Logic Tip #14 WINNERS Women’s Intuition Naturally Navigates Expanding Radiance Successfully

March 2017    LIGHT LOGIC TIP #  14    W.I.N.N.E.R.S.

Part 1 Confidence


Recently, I conducted a workshop for professional women who were returning to the workplace after a period of time. The workshop was all about confidence and assertive communication. I called it WINNERS to stand for

Women’s Intuition Naturally Navigates Expanding Radiance Successfully.

Although men are intuitive beings also, this was a group of all women.




The reason I called it that is because

we are all born with   

intuitive insight. INTUITION is our

natural navigation system   which 

helps us to realize the light or the

expanding radiance within us.

When we connect with that part of ourselves and consistently acknowledge and recognize its presence, we feel SUCCESSFUL!

Confidence ensues as a natural extension of that which we already are: PULLLE Pure Unconditional Luminous Loving Light Energy.

Clearly, when we have already built a skillset, it’s second nature. We hold more confidence in our ability because we have nurtured that skill until it is innate. It’s a habit and we do not give it much thought.

The original skillset steps were:

1.   See, feel  or experience a pull or calling for something we want to explore (either inner desire or witnessing it others or the world). This is the passion piece. The part where we feel excited about our adventure unless we have been taught to temper our passions. Then the signs might feel a bit subtle but they remain vital to our essence.

2.  Learn through creative guidance or concrete direction,  demonstration or imitation.

3.  Practice our desire with focus


Children are experts! They do it without a care in the world.

One day I was watching children slide down a slide on the playground, the speed was unexpected and they all plopped right down on their behinds. They all seemed to pause, looked a bit stunned…stood up, brushed off the seat of their pants and proceeded to climb up the ladder to do it all again. CHILDREN PRACTICE THEIR DESIRES THROUGH PLAY! Practice & repetition duplicates the habits we wish to perpetuate. CHILDREN ARE SO WISE!!!!


Anything new that we are exploring is like a habit in its infancy yet to be programmed into us. It is just that now we are doing our own programming.

You want to ask yourself,

“How suggestible am I to the messages I repeat in my own mind?”

Well, very susceptible mainly because they have been with you for decades and decades. It’s like learning to tie your shoe when you are a child or learning to ride a bike. Even if you do not do it for a while, you still have an automatic pilot that knows how to do it. It is like a default gear. It’s the same thing when you cannot recall a friend’s phone number but when you look at the phone, your finger knows which keys to press. Your body has held a memory and knows how to proceed.

All of our physical experiences start with the process of what messages we tell ourselves.

So ask yourself and make a list of

“Which thoughts would I like to discard?”

Do you find yourself thinking or saying, “ I can’t even do…It’s so hard…I’m scared…What will people think…How am I ever going…I’m so overwhelmed…Nobody’s hiring…How am I going to juggle all of my responsibilities…I am only one person….Where is the money going to come from…I have an idea but…”


Do you find your body feeling certain sensations in response to those statements like “ a lump in your throat…, heart palpitations… butterflies in your stomach… constricted muscles… your shoulders in your ears… clenched jaw… headaches…back pain etc

You get the idea. The list goes on and on.

Which statements do we want to discard and what messages do we want to infuse?

If you were programming yourself as a small child, what messages would you implant in your own mind?

It takes a bit of practice with mindfulness to make life affirming suggestions that will change your entire experience of yourself and others. Even when I left Wall Street decades ago and became a therapist, I had clients that were quite influential, wealthy and successful by societal standards that were challenged with their self image.  

Comparing your insides with someone else’s outsides will wreak havoc on your psyche so don’t do it.

People are people wherever you go and we all have a tape running in our minds. Who knew that it is a viable option or  a practicable choice to change our internal dialogue. That we are our point of power and we can implement that power to shift how we live our lives!!


Make a list of the thoughts that no longer serve you on a piece of paper. You know, the ones you would never dream of saying to a friend. Pick one that is the most predominant in your mind and write the exact opposite of the thought next to it. Highlight the uplifting thought and carry it around with you. Catch yourself as many times as you can and notice how you and your body feels over time with the old programming and the new programming. You are choosing what you want to put into your own psyche. When you feel as though that one is automatic, pick another thought and repeat the process.


For example:


I hate learning to use

computers but I have to.                  



   Computers and updated software programs

are going to serve as a support and

will be only one piece of my new profession.

Ultimately, it will make my life much

easier and more manageable.

I am getting there each time I

learn something new.

I look forward to the day when I can

hire someone to handle that piece for me.


As you practice these exercises for yourself, you will notice your sensitivity increasing. This will enable you to perceive what is going on below the surface with others through the lens of empathy and love more readily.


Naturally, we want to be really suggestible to the things that will uplift us and turn down the dial of internal messages that compromise what we aim to create.


The question is:

How do we build confidence when doing things for the first time? We have not acquired the skillset yet so ask yourself:


  1. Do I enjoy this activity? It helps A LOT if you do because the passion will override any strain. If not, but you are feeling like it is an integral piece to your pursuit, find a way to soften your perception around the skill building activity. Soothe yourself as much as you can and know that nothing is forever. Each time you take an action to learn, you are chipping away at your unknowing. It is like a block of clay where you are removing the excess material and a magnificent statue appears. It was there all the  time.                                                                                                                               
  2. Look 2, 3, 5 years out and imagine the possibilities . You are creating a pathway through your willingness to learn new things.  You are changing which means your pathway is changing. Take comfort in the fact that you are learning, growing and discovering parts of yourself that will lead you back home. Back home is the place that resides within you where you experience the peace, love, joy, freedom, confidence and holds a sense of  steady knowingness.

One thing worth mentioning is that this process is like

a pendulum swinging BACK AND FORTH from side to side.


It goes back and forth because you are finding a new level of equilibrium or BALANCE TODAYWhen you are shifting, it may feel uncomfortable because you are dissolving old ideas. It’s like saying good bye to an old friend whom you love but have outgrown. You are beckoning your creative juices to appear and when they come to you in a moment of inspiration, it is an absolute De-Light. That moment in time is meant to be savored, enjoyed and celebrated with taking an action. It will fortify or ground into your experience the reality, lifestyle or happening you desire. Undoubtedly, that moment will pass and you will feel its absence. You may feel emotions quite to the contrary. No worries. The pendulum will return but its swings will be more gentle the more you pay attention.



The next question is usually:

“How do I acquire remuneration for the service or product I am providing?


In response to that question, ask yourself another question,

“To what degree do I believe in what I am offering?” &

“Do I believe I am offering something of value?”


It is imperative to recognize if you have any doubts because that will flow through you and other people pick up on your subliminal cues. In my experience of witnessing so many kinds of people, each individual tends to be the last to recognize their own brilliance.

Personally, I have discovered that my time with DOUBT provides me with the space to gain clarity on what I” truly desire. It’s like sitting on a fence. One leg on one side and the other leg on the other side. The right leg represents the new green pastures and the left leg represents all of the experiences that led me to this precipice of change. This period of time, no matter how long it takes, is invaluable because it allows you to reflect and determine what it is that YOU want. It allows you to separate from outside influences such as family, friends, external world or societal expectations. This fosters living from the inside out! It massages the nuances of being on the precipice of change and knowing that you are embarking on a declaration of boundless talents.

 What I know the ingredients to be is in the following sentence:

It has been my personal experience that when I have set a clear intention, known exactly what I wanted, put all my focus and energy behind it full force, my dreams manifested in a relatively small length of time and I enjoyed the feelings that accompany success.  



( All signs are free digital downloads in “The I AM Shop” to save on your computer or print  and hang as reminders)


Light: Celebrate yourself in some small way each day. Look at the sun and know you are an extension of its Light. Look at the moon and know you are part of its enchanting glow. You are part of nature.



  1. Take the actions for the skill building. Go to workshops, learn online, practice in front of the mirror etc. Down load my free audio affirmations. Purchase a personalized musical audio affirmation. Celebrate yourself after each action.
  2. Remind yourself constantly that you are a beacon of brilliance. Use the exercise in the body of the newsletter
  3. Get a Possibility Pal-someone with whom you can share a focus of possibilities for TODAY releasing yesterday thereby shaping tomorrow

2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

FEB 2017 Light Logic Tip #13 Clouds Are Clearing with Active Engagement by the New Professional





  It all starts with the Individual!


Embracing each of our very own Individual Wholeheartedness

                                                                  Leads to Clarity and Mindfulness which

                                                           Co-Creates an Exchange of Trust  between us which

                                                                       Expands a Peace and a calm which

                                                                          Fosters internal and external ABUNDANCE which


prompts our bio-chemical secretion of natural De-Light Drugs serotine, dopamine and oxytocin which makes it easier for people to experience pleasure and self-love and

The World is a more Joyful Place!


My Dad and I would often have a great laugh in our conversations. He would speak. I would listen and reply. As I was responding, he would be off on to what he wanted to say next and miss my reply. I would call him out on it and say, “Dad, are you thinking about XYZ? Come back here! “  


We would laugh because he was planning, thinking ahead like a chess player anticipating any and all moves his opponent might take. By power of example, he ingrained in me how to plan and think 3 steps ahead so as to eliminate any potential obstacles. This served to be very practical and worthwhile business attribute but, nevertheless, is meant to be a tool to be implemented and not a pervasive thought form activated habitually.


 If I am always planning. I am missing the NOW!!!

Being in the here and NOW is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and all that surround you. Being in the NOW is Navigating Opened Worlds. You are in a space where creative insights and inspirations are born.


Listening is an art. It is a component of Mindfulness.

The greater our presence and singular focus is honored while “being” with another person, the greater the connection is felt.


It’s not rocket science, right? The more a person feels acknowledged, recognized and honored, the greater their ability to hear a message that will support them in the life. It is a natural human desire to feel connected, part of and a sense of belonging regardless of it being in a personal or professional arena.


As a professional, one way to ignite this pathway whether it be while networking, prospecting or with an existing client or familial relationships is to ask questions of an open ended nature (not questions that can be answered with a simply yes or no) and then sit still and witness your colleague/companion/peer/client/relative respond.


Consider positioning yourself with a heart to heart stance without any objects between you and OBSERVE impartially.

-Pause, stand or sit still and feel what is emanating from them.


-Observe their inflection. Are they speaking rapidly, slowly, deliberately, or with ease etc?


-Where do they express excitement/dismay?


-What tones signal a calm, a nervousness or a grounding?


-What are their facial expressions?


-Do they look down a lot?


-Make eye contact?


-What is their physical posturing?


-Do they signal with gestures?


-Do they touch you?


-Is their posture one of an open hearted stance or are they in a more protective pose?


-What are they choosing to share with you based on your question?


-Add your own questions on which to reflect.


Noticing what is important to them is really adding value.



Now, here’s the tricky part for most folks. While you are observing your conversation partner, the key is to also witness yourself in real time.



-Where is your mind taking you while they are communicating?


Is your breathing changed depending on their pace of speech?


What is your body posture expressing?


What sensations are ignited within you?


What are your facial expressions?


What flashes of insight are illuminated in your heart?


What imaginative depictions surface?      



Is it conjuring up a memory? A place? A relationship? A previous interaction? A song? A movie? A sensation? An emotion?


Are you making assumptions? Judging? Categorizing? or labeling?


Are you thinking in terms of right and wrong? If so, what is prompting that response?


Are you thinking about the time?


Be curious of yourself, not critical! You are human which means you are perfect by design but vastly incomplete. You have an unending well of exploration and discoveries upon which to expand.



Your body is an instrument that will provide you with information very quickly and give you clues. Your body is always communicating with you around things you have yet to realize on a core visceral level.


For example: I had a client who was presented with a business opportunity which seemed right up his alley. It had all the tenants of his focus. Nevertheless, he noticed how he had a shortness of breath for days and weeks after the initial introduction. He inquired into himself as what his body was signaling to him. It became very clear that, although the general industry was one of his interest, he did not feel a synergistic connection with the individual who presented it to him. It was resolved within his own mind, body and spirit that there was nothing to co-create at this venture. The intersection of events was simply to raise his awareness through his body as to better De-Liberately De-Sign his professional De-Light.



Practice the above mentioned mindfulness exercise with the next person with whom you speak. Breathe through it!


2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

Have A Peacefully Prosperous Year Noticing Earth’s Wonders!

Your Expression Accentuates Rejoicement!




It was early morning and I was sitting while casting my gaze upon the stripped trees outlined by the barren winter hillside behind my house. I watched the wind howl and the trees swaying BACK AND FORTH.1-27-15 BACK AND FORTH

The small, still, quiet but impactful voice within me shared the message I have heard countless times,

” Clear your mind! Pointed focus! Open your heart! Speak your truth!”

8-23-16 FOCUS NOW

We have all heard that small, still, quiet but impactful voice within us but have we listened to it. It is our personal guiding light. It is within us so that we might replicate that clarity in our interactions with others.

This month’s video/blog is all about the physiology of our bodies when we live from a state of “Over-Responsibility” (stress response) vs. a position of being a “Guide” (mindfulness initiation) and the varying impacts it has on our individual and collective consciousness. It is through the simple practice of Mindfulness that our Intuitive Knowingness shifts our perception and ongoing experience to that of Abundance. It is from the inside projecting OUT!!!



I have spoken quite a bit about how the face of business is changing. Your role in the grand scheme of things is INCREDIBLY SIGNIFICANT! Being fearless and knowing that YOUR WILLINGNESS TO EXPRESS YOUR AUTHENTICITY is a power of example. By activating and sharing your inner worlds, you are setting the stage and giving permission for your client, colleague, friend or family member to do the same. It is paramount to the fostering of MINDFULNESS as the “new normal”. It is a dynamic that is exponentially contagious!



I think society

can learn a lot from Simon and Garfunkel’s song “Feelin” Groovy” Where it suggests that we “Slow down, ya move too fast!”


When we see ourselves as guides for the people in our lives whether that be personally or professionally, it prompts a detachment with love. All of a sudden we no longer feel responsible for another’s circumstances. As a guide, we observe from a posture of curiosity, wonder and inquisitiveness.


First, let’s just review briefly about coming to a dynamic from a perspective of OVER RESPONSIBILITY.


Please note that there are varying degrees to this. It is a wide range of a scale and the more mindful, the more you notice where you are in relation to a peacefully positive natural state of being.




                            EXTERNALLY FOCUSED >

                                           STRESS RESPONSE


When we experience a sense of over-responsibility, we activate a flight or fight response in our brain which is a survival mechanism when in danger. That’s fine if we are in the woods and a bear is stalking us but on a regular basis, it takes toll on our bodies. Our bodies are our vessel to carry us through life so we want to treat them with loving kindness and respect. We want to listen to our bodies because they have an intelligence way before we are consciously cognizant of it. There are subtleties and nuances in a very wide range of awareness.


For example: Before I speak in front of a large audience, I would notice my ears would clog as if I was in an airplane. In learning that was a stress response my body activated, I was able to be proactive, listen to a head set of music or sit in stillness, breathing deeply before speaking and my ears are clear.



An ongoing stress response causes the stress hormone cortisol & adrenaline to be released. We are putting ourselves in a position of hypervigilance, ready for movement and quick action.

  1. Our blood circulates more rapidly due to our heart beat accelerating
  2. Our muscles constrict ready for exertion of activity
  3. Tunnel Vision to focus on what is needed for self-preservation (cuts off peripheral vision)
  4. Our breathing is labored
  5. Digestion slows down (can make it challenging to regulate body weight)
  6. Loss of hearing
  7. Immune system suppression
  8. Increased blood pressure to give more energy to needed parts of body to function optimally
  9. Tend to be focused on problems and asking questions about problems. The problem tends not to be the problem but the perseveration on the problem. Constant discussion on the problem which cuts off our broad minded perspective
  10. Perception of Limitation: Fall into a left brain mentality of labeling, judgment and critical thinking
  11. Trying, Efforting, Striving.Pushing and Heaviness
  12. Scarcity Mindset: Deprivational mentality, self-pity, anguish, frustration, anger etc.
  13. Future or Past focused and all associated thought processes and emotions i.e. Worrying, anxiety, regret and guilt surface






                              INTUITIVE RESPONSE


As Guides for Family, Friends, Colleagues and clients we are exchanging a different kind of energy. We are co-creating through the blending of right brain activities and mindset so that the experience is freer flowing. We see ourselves as facilitators for a more light-hearted lifestyle. We come together, connect, collaborate, and support one another through synchronistic blending. We do not act in a silo!!!!


This will allow the following:

  1. A sense of ease and relaxation to wash over all participating.
  2. Envisioning/imagining the “sunshine” aka possibilities in their life/lifestyle!
  3. Emotions give rise to Feeling of hope, prosperity, abundance, peace ,excitement etc.
  4. Chemical/neurotransmitter/Hormone secretion of serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin which are innate “Delight Drugs”.
  5. Breathing correlates to the heart beat.
  6. Muscles are relaxed
  7. Circulation and Digestion improve.
  8. Regular patterns of sleep are enhanced
  9. Memory improves
  10. A sense of physical invigoration energizes the body and fuels the projects at hand
  11. The mind gains clarity and ideas begin to fuel projects on a new trajectory
  12. Abundant Mindset fosters the ability to envision multiple potentialities
  13. In the moment: N.O.W. Navigating Opened Worlds
  14. Ability to see a variety of options i.e. peripheral vison opens
  15. A sense of belonging is fostered. We feel cohesive, part of and a sense of belonging
  16. We are excited about what is about to unfold.


In the next several months, we will visit the active techniques that may be practiced while engaged internally with ourselves or externally with a client, family friend or client. This month’s exercise is simply to:


  1. Set 5 minutes 3 x day
  2. Place one hand on your heart
  3. Place one hand on your abdomen
  4. Inhale and exhale and observe the coherence between your breath and your heart beat.



2015-2017  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

Dec 2016 Light Logic Tip# 11 Presidential Election Reflects a Bit of Us All

Dec 2016 Light Logic Tip #11

Presidential Election Reflects a Bit of Us All


I have always believed that ALL people are born of the ENERGY of L.O.V.E. and when we act from that higher level of awareness then each of our individual

Light Opens Voluminous Energy.

That phenomenon is as contagious as a baby’s belly laugh. It multiples exponentially!!! As a young girl I was intrigued by the awe of my own heartbeat. What was its source? I decided to call it the ENERGY of LOVE. As long as my brain took direction from my heart, all was well. My heart has that all-inclusive intuitive nature.


On the other hand, behaviors are “labeled” by a society that has yet to understand those behaviors and how they feed into the collective mindset. The visibility of behaviors enable us to viscerally observe what is going on internally within each and every one of us. It’s a parallel process. Behaviors and situations make conscious what we have not yet discovered. Behaviors and situations are the externalized dynamic reflection of what is being perpetuated within the majority of the population’s inner world.


Some behaviors (what the collective defines as negative), and subsequent circumstances, are not necessarily meant to be tolerated but are meant to be understood. These behaviors/circumstances are often formed into episodes to act as a “wake up” call. This “wake up” call is designed to support us in deciphering, discerning, delineating and prioritizing what is important to us, what we value, what we consider significant and worthy so that we might make deliberate choices. As we become “AWARE” of our self, we are in a better position to emerge as leaders and offer a shift in perspective that is supportive of a life affirming humane existence. To be soulful in physical bodies is “humane”.



For example: The 2016 presidential election is much more than what meets the eye. Let’s view it as a metaphor for what the masses are beckoning, albeit the vast majority unconsciously. This election had the “feel” of a reality television show, don’t you agree? It was filled with drama and antics that captivated parts of the population that might not be as engaged in watching presidential debates in past years. People experienced a wide range of intense emotional reactions. For others, it felt like an insult to our intelligence.


Consider this election acting as a catalyst for the American population and beyond to sit up and take notice as to what we have created together. Are we a population that has surrendered our personal power more and more over time to a centralized entity? A centralized entity which we have all chosen. Remember, we are always choosing. Even in the absence of making a conscious choice; we are making a choice. Have we been mesmerized by television and “reality” TV instead of feeling the pulsation of life and living, breathing and creating from our own vantage point? Each and every one of us has the privilege to contribute towards the whole.


Challenge yourself by leaving the candidate’s personalities out of the equation for a moment and stretch your perception.

Hillary Clinton:

Is Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president less about Hillary and more about a new era? Think about it. A woman for president following an administration where the office was held by an ethnic minority! Are we asking for change? Are we beckoning forth a different way of being? Are we calling for balance? Consider the notion that Hillary is a symbol for “feminine energy” for no other reason that she is a candidate that happens to be in a female body? What do we deem to be feminine energy? States of allowing, yielding, receiving, ease, effortlessness, stillness, spaciousness, co-creative, circular, magnetic, and quiet beingness.


Every person has what we have labeled as “masculine and feminine” energies to varying intensities and combinations!

Donald Trump:

Now, let’s take Donald Trump’s contribution. Is he demonstrating that if you believe in yourself, anything is possible? You can create a “brand” out of thin air. Value is a perception. If you hold a clear focus as to what you aim to create and pour all of your energy into it, you can manifest any of your desires: good bad or indifferent. It’s a matter of where and how much energy you place behind your intention.

Also, if we look at behaviors that are prompted by an underlying continuum of emotions, what might Donald’s message be as a candidate for president?


See me! Hear me! Notice me! Acknowledge me! Recognize me! Love me as I am!

Yes you heard me… I did write “Love me as I am”!


Are we entering an era where men are given societal permission to be sensitive and open hearted in all arenas including business? That men can own and express their attributes as sentient being without repudiation or admonishment?

Are these two candidates really an externalized manifestation of a population’s demonstrated desire through contradiction to live from a place of authenticity?


ARE WE READY TO RECOGNIZE WHEN WE ARE NOT LIVING FROM THE INSIDE OUT AND CHANGE IT? To put our action behind what feels authentically abundant in every sense of the word?


Are we wanting to ground L.O.V.E. through financial, relational, physical, and emotional vehicles?

Since every emotion exists on a continuum, it is important to ask ourselves some questions when we “feel” out of sorts and/or witness undesirable circumstances.


Remember!!!!Each and every one of us are already the LIGHT!!!! We are ALWAYS moving towards the LIGHT even if it is in a zig zag kind of way! It is just a matter of how side tracked we have gotten and how much we have stepped out of its beam of brilliance.

Ask yourself:

  1. What is my fascination and draw towards drama and tumultuous dynamics?
  2. How much time will I give to this dynamic?
  3. By placing my attention on this drama, what is it anesthetizing me to?
  4. What might this time in history illuminate for me personally and the collective population?

Now, ask yourself:

What is the opposite of drama because that is the LIGHT that the vehicle of drama is pointing us towards?

Maybe Peace, calm, ease, balance, harmony, equanimity.


If the drama is meant to support us in noticing what we truly do want…… Peace, calm, ease, balance, harmony, equanimity then it is asking us to make more deliberate choices in how we spend our time, energy and presence.



Most people have been taught to keep emotions (that we have labeled as unpleasant) at bay so we do not have to feel them. We think that if we ignore something it will go away. In most cases, the exact opposite is true. The “emotion” which is “energy moving” collects and solidifies until a situation presents itself so that we might be able to see, observe, and witness clearly what is beckoning us for a shift in perspective. It shows up as challenges in many ways.

For example, consider the following as possibilities (there are no absolute rules as we are each unique):


Illness might be beckoning for a Call for Care or a Healing in some aspect of our lives. This can be individually as well as collectively i.e. plagues and epidemics acting as the catalyst for change towards self and collective love, harmony and kindheartedness. It is getting our attention on a mass scale. Are we getting the message or captivated by the drama?


Divorce might be acting as a catalyst for a person to reflect and shift their perception and relationship with themselves. Perhaps there is an internal divide that needs reconciliation.


Job Loss might be signaling an Opportunity to Re-invent oneself, to explore personal creativity.


Death might be to release attachments and embrace transitionary phases in our lives.


Retirement (unexpected or otherwise) may be a time to Recognize and Renew Our Relevance, to be active IN LIFE through balance.


-A simple cold might be an indicator to slow down (like an amber light at the traffic signal) and take some quiet time so that we might be alerted to gain clarity on which direction to focus our attention.


The list goes on and the associative meanings are very personal to each one of us. It is up to each one of us to discover the meaning and benefit with each situation, exchange and circumstance. If you find a similar relationship dynamic or life circumstance is occurring in multiples, there is a more pronounced message in that for you emerging.


Of course, it can be much more subtle internal stirrings which means you are tapping into your own intuitive beckoning at an earlier stage of your process. Listen to it!!!!



The Practice of Mindfulness will support you in developing an intimate relationship with all of your senses and beyond. It will uncover levels of sensitivity which will foster a connection with others. That connection will draw an abundant reality to you because you are fully engaged and connected to your core self. You are allowing space, stillness and silence to be a pathway into your true reality and build from the inside out. The veil between inner reality and external illusion is dissipating.

Mindfulness techniques support the expansion of your repertoire of emotions that you deem acceptable. This exercise will retrain your brain to pick out things that are more of an uplifting, supportive, life expanding nature. Before you know it, you will be unable to see the negativity because your focus has wholeheartedly shifted into the here and now.


Science supports mindfulness in that our brains have something called a Reticular Activating System. RAS acts as a filter to allow through to our conscious mind only the information we deem relevant. Since our conscious mind is able to process about 40 bits of information at a time and we are interacting with millions of bits of information, RAS acts as the gateway to allow in what we given heighted focus. What we focus on will expand: good, bad or indifferent. Our intention guides our focus. Focus on pleasing communications and interactions and that becomes your experience. Your perception is your reality.



Write you name out on a piece of paper or type it on the computer vertically. Next to each letter, write out as many positive adjectives as you can. (This is great for kids and adolescents also) PRINT IT OUT OR EVEN BETTER MAKE A COLORFUL SIGN OUT OF IT AND HANG IT WHERE YOU WILL SEE IT DAILY. Take a picture of it and put it on your phone.

Each morning, you pick a word corresponding to that letter of your name. D for Monday, A for Tuesday etc. Throughout your day, notice as many sights, sound, sensations, emotions, people, places, things, memories, experiences inside your mind and externally in your environment that reflect or are exemplary of the word you chose.


For Example: DARRYN

D- Delightful, delicious, dedicated, daring, devoted,

A-Awesome, Abundant, Authentic, Active,

R- Radiant, Relaxed, Romantic, Refreshing, Resilient

R-Receptive, Reliable, Respectful, Refined

Y Youthful, Yes, Yummy, Yare, Yern

N-Natural, Nascent, Neighborly, New, Nurturing, Nice, Noteworthy


Written and videoed on 10/16/16

2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved

Nov 2016 Light Logic Tip #10 Bus-I-Ness vs. Monetizing Mind-Ful-Ness


The last 5 minutes are a mindfulness practice. The mindfulness practice may be used before any meeting or interaction to support you in centering yourself.  Please contact Darryn at [email protected] if you would enjoy a mindfulness workshop conducted at your office or other location.


Isn’t it interesting that we have called what we do in our global community of exchange for goods and services: BUSINESS? It is truly reflective of the pace: BUSY NESS.

Have we tended to create a hierarchy of importance for those who are seemingly busy as if there is something noble and statuesque in that space? Have STILLNESS and contemplation  taken a back seat?

Which makes more sense? BUSY- NESS OR MINDFULNESS?

Which is ultimately more productive and supportive of states of well-being? Your answer will depend on which side of your brain through which you are dominantly perceiving.

Another way to put it is, “Who’s leading? Are you taking intuitive guidance from a trustworthy place such as your heart and allowing your brain to implement? Or are you living more from an intellectual mindset? A kind of “Have to” mentality?

Which mindset is more satiating? Which mindset monetizes MORE or should I say which mindset do we BELIEVE satiates more? Living in a society where the predominant vibration and definition of

“I. W.A.N.T. M.O.R.E.”

is changing to mean

Integrating Willingness And Noticing Truth Mirrors Optimal Realities Explored

In order to integrate willingness and notice our internal truth, we might want to give ourselves the opportunity to slow down, tune into ourselves and then, not only will we naturally gravitate towards people, places and things that resonate truly for us, but opportunities will flow to us effortlessly. We are actively participating in the creation of an optimal world for ourselves personally, professionally and ultimately globally.

I like to redefine words to create new associations. To help release outdated belief patterns. Associations that support an uplifting, supportive mindset so that we carve out a deliberate pathway of our own personal delightful design. I call it Word Wealth because people respond to the way in which a message is delivered. Both professionally and personally, we can put out the same message in an infinite number of ways. People (clients, friends, family members) will tend to feel inspired to take action the more they are able to “feel into” the possibility of the expressed delivered communication. The contrary is a sense of deflation and procrastination.

Everybody has a relationship with money whether they admit to it or not. The topic of Money aka Abundance or there lack of is loaded with emotional ties so, JUST FOR TODAY, let’s redefine MONEY in a way where we can create a unification.

“Word Wealth” Re-definition of



Money, in and of itself, is meaningless. It is neither good nor bad. It is a tool. Most people have a relationship with money. It is the properties that we assign to it that gives it power. Our relationship with money is tied to some sort of emotion and offers us the privilege, the visceral external experience to witness an aspect of our internal world. It is from that witnessing or observation that we might develop a heightened awareness and activate “choice” for our future.

Collectively, we have agreed (for now) to utilize money as a tool. If money ceased to exist, what would we have left to put forth in the world? Our character!!! Money, or there lack of, can be (at times) a symbolic, reflective, external gesture of how openly, confidently, self-assuredly we are willing to express our authenticity and love. Let’s make it for the creative change towards unilateral love, freedom, abundance and empowerment! Use it towards the things, people, causes and ideas you cherish and want to see perpetuated.


It’s easy to say “money is meaningless” from an esoteric or symbolic perspective but if you are living in a state of lack of abundance, that statement can provoke quite a reaction. If you are someone or know someone or are looking at people in the world that do not have what they “need” i.e. food, clothing and shelter, it might trigger an emotional response.

What is that response? Do you feel a sensation or emotion? Is it fear that it could be you? Is it relief that it is not you? Is it compassion, sadness, pity, a sense of responsibility or none of the former stated? It’s ok if you don’t! No judgment here. Maybe we look the other way. Does that make us “bad” people? Of course not.

Emotions are the fuel behind our thoughts. Together, emotions and thoughts hard wire themselves into beliefs.

For example: Think of thoughts as an electro-magnetic field flowing far and wide through the air. Think of thoughts as AIR. Think of EMOTIONS as energy moving like the WIND. Wind can blow like a gentle breeze or like a strong gust. You might not be able to see the wind (emotions) but you know where it has been based on its strength, intensity and impact on an object. Depending on how intense and pervasive an emotion you have backing up a thought will determine how much you believe it and call forth it’s actualization.

This is how we carry information out into the world.

We have been living in a world where people tend to perseverate on ENOUGHNESS in some aspect of their lives. How much is enough? I WANT MORE!

What people are beckoning within the quiet recesses of their minds and what is collecting in our global community is a quest for enrichment and feelings associated with affirmative declarations such as:

I am important

I am significant

I am valuable

I am trust worthy

I am deserving

I am a worthwhile contributor

I am lovable

I aim to create relationship and a connection with you

I want to foster a sense of belonging and a feeling part of

I trust you

I value you

I am open to seeing the loving light in you!

I see the contribution and the value you have to offer!

I believe that I am worthy of an abundant world!

                                             As more and more people attune to their inner


(Listening Internally Guides Happiness Today),

it will collect and we will see more and more changes to the manner in which BUSINESS is conducted. There will be more and more MINDFULNESS activities incorporated in the fabric of society. It is happening now. The ship has sailed and the S.H.I.P. Signifies Hope In Progress.


Exercise 1:

  1. When you awaken in the morning, lay in bed for 5-10 minutes. Bring your awareness to your toes and scan up your body, imagining your breath reaching each body part as you lay there. Breath into your toes, calves, knees, thighs, groin, pelvis, hips, abdomen, solar plexus, heart, upper chest, shoulders, jaw, ears, nose, eyes, forehead and top of head. Notice what sensations you experience.
  2. Make a choice how you want show up for your day. What personality you want to wear.
  3. This simple intention, when practiced regularly, will begin to shift how you perceive situations

Exercise 2:

  1. Sit for 2 minutes prior to meeting with a client.
  2. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your abs. simply notice the cadence and rhythm of your heart beat and the quality of your breath. Nothing to judge. Just witness.
  3. Over time you will see patterns and from those patterns you will make new CHOICES: Creating How Open-minded I Can Explore

Exercise 3:

1              When you get in your car to drive to your office, first appointment or an errand, place your hands on the steering wheel. Feel them there. PAUSE and ask yourself “How am I defining ABUNDANCE for myself, family, friends and clients JUST FOR TODAY


2015-2016  ©  Darryn Silver all rights reserved