A.S.S.O.C.I.A.T.I.O.N.S. As Subtle Shifts Open Creativity, Intuition Acts To Inspire Others Now Soulfully



Ya know how when you’re driving along or in nature or in a relaxed state, clear of thoughts and a wave of inspiration washes over you. It comes in the form of an idea, feelings of ecstasy that came out of nowhere, a synchronicity that you would never believe if it was not your own personal experience.

Well, that is what these ACROYNMS are for me. It’s my way to PLAY with the Universe and watch how consciousness flows through me. They’re fun, silly, profound and have so much depth that layers and layers of awareness unfold. I create a space whereby I allow divinity to enfold me into her expansive universal wisdom.

This message ASSOCIATIONS is designed to remind us that everything exists in relationship. That we have an association with more than we might suppose. Our only responsibility is to grow in our awareness of these associations and notice if they honor our highest good. We don’t have to DO anything. DIVINITY/INTUITION makes the shift within us for us and then…… HOW WE PERCEIVE OURSELVES SHIFTS ORGANICALLY. We understand that there is an expanded awareness of ourselves and connection to ALL THERE IS!!


Word Wealth: Redefining words will change your associations…will change the images you have in your mind….will change your emotions and relative sensations, will change your thoughts…will change your beliefs…will change your response to situations…will change what you say and do…will highlight your potentialities….will illuminate possibilities….will activate probabilities

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